Hoarders. We’ve all seen them on TV – the people who just can’t bear to throw anything away so end up living in cramped houses surrounded by mountains of junk. The website, ‘The Age’ did a piece on them entitled “All Too Much: The People Who Can’t Let Go” and there’s even a cleaning service dedicated to dealing with the homes of hoarders. All this is of course a little extreme; most of us aren’t hoarders, but we do accumulate a lot of stuff over our lifetimes. If you’ve got too much stuff what are the best ways to avoid becoming a hoarder? Here are some helpful suggestions:
Putting all that extra stuff in storage is an extremely convenient way of freeing up space. Assuming you still need all your items and don’t intend of getting rid of anything, assess which ones you use on a 6-monthly or yearly basis and thus can definitely be stored elsewhere. Using self-storage doesn’t have to mean trips back and forth to a unit – a Self Storage company in Australia called Taxibox drops off a portable storage unit that you can pack and then have collected. Bear in mind, storing stuff unnecessarily can end up becoming expensive if done over many years.
Getting Rid
There are numerous ways to get rid of your excess stuff. The most important things to consider are 1) disposing of things in an environmentally-friendly manner and 2) whether your stuff will be useful to anybody else. You can often have the Council visit and collect large items and you can take certain things to the skip. Think about giving away unwanted clothes and furniture to charity shops or selling it on eBay or Craigslist. You can even give it away for free on a site like Freecycle – and buyers are more likely to collect if there are no fees.
Decluttering is more about making better use of your space in addition by making a concerted effort not to accumulate stuff. Request not to be sent phonebooks and switch to paperless billing to avoid being inundated with documents. Recycle your old electronics – that includes old mobiles and chargers. Buy an all-in-one charger if you need to keep several phones. If you use a hefty desktop, consider exchanging it for a laptop to save space, and download software so you’re not picking up loads of CDs.
Build Storage
Often by making some more storage, you can dramatically change the feel of your home. You might not even have too much stuff, it can just be organised badly. Kitchens tend to be particularly bad, as are garages. Consider buying some cheap reclaimed wooden beams and putting up shelves for larger appliances – this can free up cupboard space for foodstuffs or floor space where you can put some shelf units and drawers. Put up rails with hooks for pans and magnetic rails for knives in the kitchen to make cooking more streamlined and create more room.
I have a small apartment so I can relate to not having any storage space. My house used to have a basement so I’ve had to be creative with my apt. It doesn’t always look pretty but it works for me.
The picture of this kitchen gives me visions of what my daughter’s kitchen might look like when she is older. LOL She is one of those people that saves everything. She still has toys form when she was much younger that she has boxed up for her kids someday. We go through the hose several times a year and donate items we no longer need or don’t fit. I always try to donate because I know there are people that can use some of those items.
Rita…I know how terrible is the situation when it become difficult to handle lot of stuff. The same situation is with me as I have a small home so storage is the biggest problem but storage units help me a lot. I used to store some of items in the self-storage unit and thus make my home clutter free.
For us it’ s 6 people in a house designed for 3 or 4 TOPS. And paper clutter for me is the worst. I am quiet ashamed actually how much paper is wasted in companies sending junk mail, plus the amount that the school sends home…although, they have gotten much much better. Then there are things that come by email and have to be printed, sports schedules, bday invited, lists kids need, etc. I have a hard time letting go of sentimental things but have moved SO many times I have weeded out much, kept only a few things of the kids. I also have trouble getting rid of things that were gifts…it just feels like I am telling someone I didnt like it, even if I LOVED it 10 years ago and enjoyed it, but want to make space for more current things. Clothes, I don’t have a problem with. I have a limited wardrobe but kids clothes, esp. babie’s clothes are hard to part with…they always invoke a special memory. Our problem is general clutter on counters, and WAY too much in our garage, shed, and basement. I am ready to purge, he is not. He wants to save Magazines from years back…hunting stories. I am like, GO ONLINE and read them! grr…have to wait til he goes on work trips to clean out stuff.
We really do need to take your hints to heart and get it done. I am tired of living in a messy, cluttered house. It does not invoke peace or pride in your house. I hate it. I know if we only could get rid of a quarter or even Half is possible, of our stuff, we’d all feel more at peace at home. thanks for the advice!