Gynecologists are medical specialists who focus on the reproductive health of women. They get extensive training on the female anatomy with their expertise covering a wide range of areas including pregnancy, childbirth, menstruation and menopause just to mention but a few.
Thanks to their training on the female anatomy, gynecologists are best placed to help diagnose and treat various conditions that are specific to women for example hormonal fluctuations. What’s more, your gynae in Singapore can also offer family planning advice including birth control options if you need it.
In this guide, we explore the key reasons why you may be referred to a gynae in Singapore. So, this is the content you were looking for if you were not sure why you were advised to see a gynecologist. But first;
When should a Woman Start Seeing a Gynecologist?
If you already have an understanding of the essence of the visits to your gynae in Singapore, it isn’t unnatural to wonder; when should a woman start seeing a gynecologist? Here’s what you need to know;
A woman should start seeing the gynecologist in her early teens or when she becomes sexually active. According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) though, the recommended best age to start seeing a gynecologist is when they’re between 13 and 15 years old.
This initial visit is vital for understanding reproductive health and receiving guidance on safe practices. This means that in most cases, the girls won’t need a pelvic exam on their first visit depending on individual circumstances.
During the first visit, the gynecologist will likely discuss menstrual cycles, contraception, and sexual health. They’ll also perform a general physical examination.
Why else would you need to see a Gynecologist?
There are instances when you may visit your GP and then they suggest that you may need to see a qualified gynae in Singapore even if you’ve been maintaining the regular wellness checks. In such instances, they most likely have spotted something that your gynae is the best placed specialist to help. If you’re wondering why, here are six other reasons why you may also need to see a gynecologist;
I. Menstrual Irregularities
Menstrual irregularities encompass variations in menstrual cycle length, flow, and symptoms. They can signal underlying health issues.
Your GP might refer you to a gynae in Singapore if irregularities persist or are severe. During the visit, the gynecologist will conduct thorough examinations, possibly including pelvic ultrasounds or hormonal tests, to pinpoint causes.
Treatment varies based on the diagnosis. Hormonal therapies, lifestyle changes, or procedures like endometrial ablation may be recommended. In severe cases, surgery might be considered.
II. Pregnancy Planning
Pregnancy planning allows couples to optimize their health, address potential risks, and make informed choices. If complexities arise, your General Practitioner (GP) might refer you to a gynae in Singapore for pregnancy planning.
This referral ensures specialized care tailored to your unique needs. A gynecologist can conduct comprehensive assessments and help you identify any underlying conditions that may affect pregnancy.
They also offer guidance on prenatal vitamins, lifestyle adjustments, and discuss any potential risks. Moreover, they help in charting a personalized pregnancy roadmap to ensure that both you and your baby receive the best care possible.
III. Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)
Just as it sounds, sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) are infections passed from person to person through sexual contact. They include diseases like chlamydia, gonorrhea, and HIV.
Your GP might refer you to a gynecologist for specialized care if they’ve noted that you have symptoms, need specific tests or treatments related to STIs, or if you’re a woman seeking contraception and STI prevention advice. For diagnosis, your gynae in Singapore have a slew of options to choose from, ranging from physical exams, to blood tests, and swabs.
Treatment may involve antibiotics, antiviral medications, or other tailored approaches. They also offer essential guidance on prevention, advocating safe sex practices, regular testing, and vaccinations like the HPV vaccine.
IV. Pelvic Pain and Discomfort
Pelvic pain and discomfort can be used in reference to any pain felt in the lower abdomen area, often signaling an underlying issue. Causes are varied. However, they can range from menstrual cramps to more serious conditions like endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory disease, or fibroids.
If your GP refers you to a gynae in Singapore for this, it’s because specialized knowledge could be needed. Thanks to their training in the female reproductive system, gynecologists have expertise and can provide targeted examinations and tests to pinpoint the cause.
These may include pelvic exams, ultrasounds, or laparoscopy. Treatment options vary depending on the diagnosis. Depending on specific circumstance, your gynae in Singapore may recommend therapy or prescribe specific medication. In extreme cases, surgery may be recommended.
V. Abnormal Pap Smear Results
A Pap smear involves collecting cells from the cervix to check for abnormalities. It primarily aims to detect early signs of cervical cancer or precancerous conditions.
Abnormal results could be due to infections like HPV, hormonal changes, or cell irregularities. Your GP may recommend a visit to an experienced gynae in Singapore if they find abnormal results.
For clarity, the gynecologist may conduct additional tests like colposcopy or biopsy to get a closer look. Treatment varies based on the severity. It may range from simple monitoring to procedures that remove abnormal cells, ensuring early intervention and better health outcomes.
VI. Breast Exams
Breast exams come in two forms: clinical and self-exams. Clinical exams are performed by a healthcare provider and involve a thorough check for any abnormalities or changes in the breast tissue.
Self-exams are done by you to detect any unusual lumps or changes. These exams primarily aim to detect early signs of breast cancer.
They look for unusual lumps, changes in skin texture, or nipple discharge. Regular breast exams are vital for early detection, which significantly improves treatment outcomes.
Your GP may refer you to a gynecologist for specialized breast exams if they find any concerning signs during a routine check-up.
- Urinary Tract Issues
Urinary Tract Issues encompass problems affecting the kidneys, bladder, ureters, and urethra. Symptoms can range from frequent urination, to pain, and blood in urine.
You may be referred to a gynecologist if you’re getting such symptoms. This is key as some STIs can manifest with similar symptoms.
Diagnosis involves a thorough examination, lab tests, and sometimes imaging. Preventive measures include safe sex practices, regular screenings, and open communication about sexual health. Also, maintain good hygiene, stay hydrated, and seek prompt treatment of infections to prevent UTIs.
It’s a Wrap!
Your first visit to the gynae in Singapore can be a little uneasy but it shouldn’t be overwhelming. For the best results, cay with you to the appointment any prescribed medications or supplements to the appointment.
And while the gynae really won’t mind whether you shave or not, personal hygiene is still important so it would help to consider packing a sanitary pad or tampon. To ensure that you do not forget anything you would want the gynae to help you understand, take time to jot down any questions or concerns you may have.
If you’re going for tests like Pap smears, it is best not to engage in sexual activity at least 24 hours before your visit. If you are not sure about anything, you can call in advance or ask your GP for recommendations.
If you’re yet to find a good gynae in Singapore, visit Endofibroid for personalized care. Call or visit the clinic at;
Endofibroid | Centre For Endometriosis And Fibroids – Women’s Health Screening | HPV Vaccination Singapore
38 Irrawaddy Road
#05-49 Mount Elizabeth Novena
Singapore 329563
(65) 8048 7994
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