I knew that I wanted to do a big giveaway each of the last three months of the year. I wanted those giveaways to be big ones but I struggled with what to do and how much. Did I do just the one on one blog? Did I spread it out between the two blogs? It left me in such a conundrum but I think I finally got it figured out. So welcome to the Halloween 2021 Giveaway!
I figured I would take the large prize and split it between the two blogs which means there will be one of these very giveaways over at Wickedly Romance as well. Although they may not start on the same day. I thought it would just be a fun way to end the year. Not to mention maybe help every out when they need it the most.

Throughout this month I have shared various Halloween tidbits and memories with y’all through Friday cocktails (more to come) and The Parenting Chronicles. Halloween was one of those weird holidays for us growing up. We celebrated it but I can remember that we were always done trick or treating by 10 pm. At least until we got older. Not to mention if any children (not teens) came to our house after we were home and rang the bell, my dad would take a little of our candy if we had ran out of the stuff we bought for that purpose and give it to them.
I asked him about that when I got older and he said “Imagine how you would have felt to be so small and excited only to be told they didn’t have anything for you. There were four of y’all and you certainly weren’t going to go without.” He was right of course. A little bit from the large container we had (because we put it all together at the end of the night) didn’t hurt us at all. Nope, it put smiles on the faces of those kids who showed up later than others.
Enter the Giveaway

I just love sitting on my front porch and giving out candy to the kids.
We usually go to a neighborhood Halloween party. That is always fun!
I always enjoyed helping my kids choose their costumes and seeing them in their schools Halloween parade.
Just getting candy at school and going to the fall fair.
I’m excited to see my grandkids all dressed up
I love Halloween, it is fun to decorate the house and make fun treats and every once in a while it is fun to go to a costume party. I loved dressing up a child too and it was so fun to go trick or treating with my parents.
I’m old enough to remember when our Halloween costumes were plastic suits with matching rigid plastic masks. The eye, mouth and nose holes were sharp and cut you; the elastic bands on the masks would snap and break. Fun times!!
I am looking forward to Halloween. I enjoy handing out the treats and seeing all the different costumes.
I Just sit at home
One time trick-or-treating we walked past some figure lying on a front yard and were scared when it suddenly moved.
My first Halloween, I was nine years old and I made my own alien costume.
I love Halloween, but mostly because it is during my favorite season of the year… Fall!
Halloween is a holiday I could skip. Not a huge fan of candy or dressing up.
I love watching the grandchildren dress up and get excited for Halloween and also look forward to seeing what my daughter comes up with for her costume.
I loved to trick or treat each year as a child.
After my brother and I got home, my mom would spread all the candy from our containers on the floor. She would organize them and make sure we had both had the exact number of different candies. She took the extras (LOL). My brother and I could swap if we wanted.
Going to my great Aunt Betty’s house and getting popcorn balls for Halloween. A favorite treat.
I love Halloween. I love seeing all the fun and creative kids costumes. I love getting lots of trick-or-treaters.
I remember dressing up as the wizard of oz as a family.
My mom always was a witch, and did the whole act while giving out candy, I always loved Halloween!!
We really have fun passing out candy to the kids in our neighborhood each year. It’s so fun to see them all dressed up.
I like trick or treating with my nieces and nephews. Then going through their bags and sneaking some candy for myself 🙂
loved my baby’s first costume, a chubby pumpkin
I wanted to dress up as the candlestick from Beauty and the Beast when I was 9, so my mom handmade a costume and I won my church’s costume contest that year!
We had great Halloween in Six Flags with my family
candies and sweets
I miss the feeling of going Trick or Treating and everyone in costume. Not quite so magical as an adult, but still fun!
like the costumes
My main memory of Halloween is going into town to my uncles and then going with our cousins after the town treating.
I love Halloween! It’s so fun to see everyone’s costumes. I remember it always being so cold in Wyoming so we had to really cover up our costumes.
My favorite memory would have to be when my mom handmade me a a costume which was a can of Dr. Pepper!!
When I think of Halloween I think of being so excited about getting a basket of candy from trick or treating. My sister and I dressed up but the uttermost thoughts of mine were getting a basket of treats.
Today I do enjoy handing out treats to the little ones when they come by on Halloween.
I’ve always loved how excited and fun people get around Halloween! I’m not a big costume person but I love the candy.
The spookiness the media pushes is my favourite part of Halloween. I love getting scared!
Love the time when we gather together to watch horror movies and share scary stories.
I love Halloween, it’s my favorite time of year. My family and I go to the beach every year and stay in a campground where everyone decorates their houses/RVs and go trick or treating. It is a lot of fun!
I am not a big costume person myself, but I do love the vibe of Halloween! The excited children, the candy, the creative costumes, the spooky movies… It’s a fun time!
i don’t really enjoy halloween because my parents don’t really allow me to celebrate, but i did go out secretly once to celebrate with my friends, it was scary and fun 😀
We are not big on celebrating Halloween, but we love all the colors and smells and feels of October!
I’m not celebrating Halloween.
I love taking my kids out trick or treating and then handing out candy to the to the kids and seeing their costumes.
We are so rural that I have never had a trick or treater here ever. I order a pizza for dinner and we watch a scary movie.
My daughter and I always make festive treats and watch scary movies on Halloween. We have a lot of fun!
I don’t celebrate Halloween anymore, it’s fun when you’re a kid. Like to watch scary movies now instead.
I love watching Halloween themed movie reactions on YT.
My nieces moved in with us unexpectedly in September. We had a great time taking them trick-or-treating and to visit their Great Grandma today 🙂
I used to love Halloween, but haven’t celebrated in years
I loved halloween as a kids; as an adult I dont think much about it
Thanks for the chance
I loved how my mother sewed a big crooked pointed hat and a cape for my witch costume. She used her expensive Merle Norman foundation and added green food coloring for my face and hand. Favorite Halloween ever.
2 years ago we got to experience our first Halloween as a blended family and it was amazing. my stepkids had a rough childhood and it was great to watch them be children!
I enjoyed Trick or Treating as a child. I had so much fun and every year it was amazing.
I remember going out as Miss Piggy one year when I was a kid.
I’ve loved Halloween since I was young and I love to take my son trick or treating!
I like trick or treating with my son!!
Homemade costumes are my favorite for Halloween.
The array of store bought Halloween costumes available these days is amazing! IJust last night I I was telling my 11 year old grandson about. My first costume in the mid 1960’s. It was a Casper the Ghost one, with a plastic gown & mask. I remember that it was hard to breathe with that mask on & by the time you were finished Trick or Treating your face & hair were wet with sweat!
We had so much fun decorating our yard for Halloween this year! We did a lighted path for the trick or treaters to take up to our house.
My favorite Halloween memory as a child was being taken trick-or-treating by my parents. We lived on a country road and there were a number of houses not too far apart. It always frustrated my sister and I when we reached this one particular house because no matter the time we arrived, we knew that arriving there meant that our candy-gathering was over for the night. You see, our father was the church organist and this elderly couple always entreated him to stay and play hymns on the piano that they had in their living room. Although they plied us with hot cocoa and snacks, we wanted to keep going and get more candy from our other neighbors. Ah, the shortsightedness of youth, because I would give anything now to be back in that house listening to my father playing piano
I havent celebrated halloween for a long long time, and dont think I have the incentive to celebrate it.
We had lots of fun at the pumpkin festival. Got to pick our own pumpkins.
Thanks for the contest.
Love Halloween. My favorites have been now that I can go trick or treating with my 5yo nephew. 🙂
Like it.
One Halloween memory is the year that it snowed and we still went trick or treating!
Very nice article!!!
I loved the church events as a kid because then I got to see my friends and get candy and play.
I would love them money because my mom is working overtime to keep up with our rent which is 2200 dollars because we have a pet so i would appreciate any earnings i can make.
I don’t really have any Halloween memories that stand out besides just gorging on candy and eating it all way too quickly. Wasn’t really much into dressing up for Halloween
I use to love trunk or treat with my daughter when she was younger. I even decorated my trunk a few times after she got a little older.
Halloween is that one holiday that I’m just not a fan of.
Love Halloween. But where we live we do not seem to get any Trick Or Treaters anymore. But there has been a lot of interesting ones before that. A lone Vampire who came by for about 7 years. Another boy who had a homemade costume of the Xmas present.. Dark Witches, Heroes, villains, superheroes. Sigh. Really miss those years of T&T at the door.
a fine idea
I enjoy seeing all the inventive costumes and watching the youngsters enjoy the Hallowe’en fun!
I don’t have lots of memories because we don’t celebrate Halloween in my country. BUT once I joined a party at my school and it was awesome!
I am a big fan of Halloween. Halloween snacks are the best 🙂
Halloween is one of my favourite seasons
I remember being so excited for weeks up until Halloween as a child it was so fun deciding what to be and getting an costume put together it was usually made of something from around home. All the candy the friends the costumes it was the best wonderful childhood memories.
Love Halloween…pity it’s not as big here in Australia.