I just wanted to take a little bit of time today to wish you all a very Happy 4th of July. I hope that you are taking the time to yourselves and with your families. If you are unsure what to do today here are a few ideas:
Have a Cookout
This is one of the things that we are going to be doing today. We have some other things to take care of such as buying some groceries but this afternoon I plan on firing up the grill. Which means I’m gonna make my uncle cook the meat.
Visit a National Park
If you happen to live within driving distance of a national park today would be a great day to visit one. We live near a state park but are planning on going to the Army base nearby to place flowers on some of the graves.
Watch Fireworks
Okay, I live near Callaway Gardens so we can stand out in the yard and watch the fireworks they shoot off. I can remember going to the Army base and watching their big shows as well when I was growing up. I never shoot off my own because I am too afraid of them. If you are going to be watching them be sure to bring some headphones for smaller children. I have found those work wonderfully because the loud noise can upset them. Also make sure you think about your pets before you bring them to a fireworks show or shoot any off. They can get scared by the noises. It could be best to keep them in the house where they feel safe.