You all know how I love sharing new movies with you. Well I have one to share that you can help support and make a reality. It is Mistified with Kathy Wilson as a producer. Kathy was the casting director for the Conversation with God and Indigo movies, both of which were wonderful I might add.
Mistified is the story of a young woman who discovers her destiny in the mystical land of Aotearoa (New Zealand.) This is where the Maori live and from the pictures it looks like a beautiful movie and place to experience. The Maori are a native New Zealand people that you may of heard about before. I truly think this is going to be a beautiful movie that shares a wonderful story.
Support Mistified
Kathy needs your help making Mistified a reality. To do that she has a Indiegogo campaign going on where you can donate and get things from a script to a copy of the movie to a trip to New Zealand. So head over to Indiegogo now and help support this wonderful movie!
I think it’s great that she is following her dream. There aren’t many people that will put that much time and energy, not to mention money into something they believe in. We have supported other campaigns like this in the past. I think it’s great.