This year has been full of highs and lows for me. The past couple of weeks seem to have had the most. Things will be going great and then not so much. There are days when it seems like hubby and I are more friends than anything else.
However there are other days when it seems like when we first met. I know there is a reason for all of this and I am working very hard to stay focused on that. Some days it is easier than others. I know that he feels the same way, we just haven’t figured out how to get it together.
Thursday night I was so irritated when I talked with him. He was watching futbol and seemed so distant. Now in the past I would have said that he was simply engrossed int he game and let it go. Now I wanted to slap him which isn’t fair to him because I have done the same thing to him.
We will get it together, it just takes time and both of us learning to give more than we take. That can be difficult for anyone. Take a little time to leave your prayer requests below and I ask that you say a little one for me as I really need them this holiday season.
I want to send up a prayer thanking god for the accomplishments my daughter has reached and how far she has come since her 2 major surgeries. I am so blessed to see my daughter go from struggling everyday to making strides no one thought she would make.
Marriage is not easy, I have a lot of ups and downs with mine too so I can totally relate to you. I pray that God will give you the proper guidance in how to make your marriage stronger and better. I ask that you pray for my daughter that she would get some playing time on her basketball team. It sounds minor but it would mean the world to her.
I will keep praying your daughter gets to play!
Rita, I think when we want something so bad we just don’t have as much patience as we normally do. At least that is how I am. I hyper focus on it. I will say an extra prayer for you this week. This week I would like to ask for some prayers for my sister who has been struggling with her health due to Lupus. Thank you!
You are right. I know I need to learn to let go and put it all in God’s hands more. I will pray for your sister.
I heard it said once that the majority of arguments stem from one person their needs or wants ahead of the other’s. FWIW.
I ask for prayers for two things. The first is that I find the grace, love and light to make it through today and tomorrow especially. Tomorrow would be my late daughter’s 21st birthday. I love and miss her so much, and am so angry that she got robbed of the life she had in front of her. I’m mad she had to suffer so much with her brain cancer. When asked if she could have one wish in the whole world – what would it be – she answered “no more cancer”. Oh, my heart is breaking. I love Olivia Grace.
Second would be the fortitude to bring yet another court action against my ex. He took our son Friday night, in violation of the court order. When he did this this past summer, he was sentenced to 30 days in jail, unless he brought son home immediately. I hope this time he gets a punishment that makes this kind of behavior stop – and that he be ordered to pay my attorney’s fees.
Please pray, as I will.
I will keep praying for you and hope that everything works out for you.
I don’t have a prayer request, but I wanted to leave a few words of encouragement. What you and your husband are going through is incredibly challenging. The important thing is that you have both decided that your relationship is worth saving. As long as that remains true for both of you, you can weather the highs and lows.
Thank you for your kind words!
I will say a little prayer for you!! There is nothing wrong with askign for prayers & I am one who will pray for just about anyone who asks for them!! Praying things will get better for you guys!
I’m sorry Rita and Wendy. It is supposed to be a joyous season…but alas, situations come into our lives and no matter what the “season” is, pain and fear and insecurity and grief can take over. I am thinking of you both tonight as my house is quiet as others sleep peaceful. I have not slept peacefully for months. I am battling the unknown of health issues and can’t even walk around my house with a walker. Little did I know that something so quiet, something so unforeseen by doctors even can take everything from you. I thought it was bad enough but the last 4 months has taught me that mysteries and the unknown can rob you of life as you once knew it. I am thankful I am still here…but it is no life to have your wheels taken and replaced by a “4 wheeler”, ability to eat normal, breathe normal, think normal. The only salvation comes from knowing that others have had it even worse. (Wendy I have never known the pain and hope to never lose a child). I just know that just tonight I realized I do need to ask for help outside of my own walls. A neighbor called to offer dinner and my pride did not want to allow myself to “give in” to give up my self that used to be able to do this just a few months ago. But I did. I don’t like to need. But I do. I could use a few prayers too. Thank you…
You are always in my prayers. I know that things have been very difficult for you and accepting help is not always easy. Don’t be afraid to ask for help or accept help when offered. They offered because they love you and maybe one day the roles will be reversed. This season has taught me to be grateful for each and every small thing that comes into my life. This year has taught me that I can weather any storm. I know that you can weather this storm as well.
Thank you Rita. I have been through the same storms you are now also. It is hard to work through things like this when another holds so very much of our lives and hearts. It is nice to share the ups and downs of life, to work for a better life together. I find it hard to know others control the other half of my marriage and that unknown is daunting. Am so glad you are having some up days too. It is by faith we have to walk these paths and faith in another being is also hard to do. But it can be done. It WILL be done!
It is hard when others control such a big part of our hearts. I know everything happens for a reason and is part of God’s plan.
Rita ~ You have said it before though not in these words. “All things in God’s time.” You put the same hard work into your marriage that you do everything else and your love for your husband is obvious. But not being able to get inside his head, who knows what is troubling him. I will pray for him and your marriage.
Try not to dwell on the lows but rejoice in the highs. It’s hard, I know.
I will pray for everyone here and I only hope that you will do the same for me. I am getting so tired. So very tired of battling Lupus and I need strength.
You are right. This is something that I have always struggled with. I have always been a “waiting for the other shoe to drop” person but I am working on it. I will pray for you! I know how hard you have been struggling with Lupus and can only imagine how hard it is.
As a giver (natural as a nurse I guess), I’ve had mostly takers in relationships, so I know it takes time to learn and take turns. Saying a prayer for you that it gets easier. I just in general would like to learn how to hear what God is trying to tell me when I do pray, so that’s not an easy request. I guess praying for my patience in hearing His answers is what I’m trying to achieve. Or better, more clarity in his answers.
Chances are you probably already hear God. I have discovered that that small voice we hear is God but most of the time we think it is our own hopes and dreams or inner voice and don’t listen. I will pray for you!
omg i have the same issues. my husband is distant, watching football these times will get better. we are going through tough times too but all i can say is keep your faith and things will work out.
I will keep my faith. I got so angry when I should have let it go.
I am sorry Rita. I have some similar struggles with my husband. He tells me he wants to be more involved with me and our boys, but sometimes gets too caught up in work and other things. WE are working on it. I pray it gets better for you. And hope it does for us too. Also, I am praying that my interview this week goes well and I have a new job to start the new year.
I will pray for you. Maybe this time next year we will look back on these struggles and just laugh
Thank you Rita for doing the prayers for the week. This year has been tough for us, career wise. Things don’t seem to work out for me. I go to so many interviews and fill applications but they don’t pan out. My field is so competitive and I am over qualified for some jobs that I get looked over all the time. A catch 22. It is frustrating. I have hope that things will improve any day now. Fortunately, my husband is understanding. That is my biggest blessing, how strong our marriage is.
Rita, I will keep you in my prayers too. Thanks.
Diana C
I will be praying for you!
Thank you for sharing. Marriage is hard and some of the very best relationships we have must be watched over and cared for, but sometimes it is so hard! Keep the faith, somehow in my own life “I just know” things will work out, I don’t know how but with God all things are possible.
Take care!
Thank you Meredith. Keeping my faith is the one thing that is keeping me going.
I know how you feel, i’ve been with my husband for 20 years, married for 13, and many many days go by and there is just friendship, like roomates. Add in kids and it’s like a job sometimes. But then there are good days. it’s tough emotionally. Keep trying, it’s hard work! There is no such thing as a perfect marriage, Saying a prayer for you that things get better.
I ask prayer for me I have a small lump in my breast I hope to God it’s nothing bad
Please pray for my family. We are going through a really rough time right now and not sure there will be supper every evening. ty!
It would mean a lot if you prayed for my brother and his family as they are going through a difficult time and I’m struggling to find ways to help them. Thank you!