Disclosure: This is a part of a sponsored campaign with Hallmark and Latina Bloggers Connect. However all opinions are 100% my own and may differ from yours.
It is time again! That time of the year when we all begin buying and sending out all of those holiday cards. I start writing mine and getting them sent just before Thanksgiving because I have to send cards all over the world.
I want to make sure that they get there in time and let’s be honest, if I didn’t start now I would forget. I would! One year on December 26th there was a stack of cards still sitting on my desk waiting to be mailed. I get them all ready the week before Thanksgiving and then I mail them all out on Black Friday. It is a great system and everyone gets theirs.
When I buy my cards I make sure that I buy Hallmark cards because I get rewarded and earn things for myself. It’s like Christmas shopping for two! I can buy my cards at the grocery store or even the pharmacy (there are at more than 30,000 grocery and drug stores and supercenters across the U.S) and I earn 1 reward for every 5 cards I buy.
Now I only buy Hallmark and I never buy those boxes of cards (they don’t earn rewards anyway) because I like to tailor each card for the person I am sending the card to. Getting my reward points is easy because there is a handy-dandy little app that I downloaded. All I have to do is scan each one of my cards and I get my points.
Register for Hallmark Points
Register today for your Hallmark Points and earn rewards from Hallmark Card Reward partners like Starbucks, Nike, Applebee’s, Land’s End, Omaha Steaks and many others. I know that I will be enjoying some rewards this year that are for me only! I hope everyone enjoys there cards!
I love Hallmark cards too. I wish I had the foresight that you do to get mine ready and sent so early. But I don’t. And I simply could never afford to send everyone a Hallmark. I do buy individual cards for my immediate family, but everyone else gets a boxed card.
I registered for Hallmark’s points and I always love getting their Christmas cards and birthday cards because they are the best.
Not only do I love the amazing selection of cards Hallmark has. I also love the great selection of unique gifts. I was just in their a couple of weeks ago and picked up several cards I also got several great gifts.