I have reviewed many subscription boxes over the years. The ones for kids are almost always a favorite in my house. I will tell you that the box we got from Elfbox could not have been a better box. The toys inside were beyond compare and I swear I wanted to keep them all. We didn’t but it was only because the kids were fighting over who should get them and I didn’t want to have more than one set in the long run. While most boxes have very nice toys the ones in this box were simply beautiful. They were…. well you will see shortly when you see all the pictures.

Elbox is a little different than a regular subscription box. You subscribe and fill out a questionnaire. you get your first box and your kids play with the toys. You can purchase any toys from the box at a discounted price. If you don’t purchase them just send the box back and you wait for your next box. They even provided me with the return shipping label. It could not have been easier.

When you open the box you will find everything in little linen bags. It keeps everything together and nice and clean. I also want to say before I sent anything back or I even let the kids play with it I did disinfect everything with wipes. It’s just a me thing but I didn’t wan to send something back that my child had played all of the place with.

First up were these colorful magnetic shapes. They were so brightly colored in primary colors. As the kids were building with them we talked about what shapes they were as well as the color they were. These were one of my toys in the box.

You can build all sorts of things with theses. I love that they were magnetic and held together to give you a 3D effect. They were awesome.

As a mom who homeschool’s the younger two this was great. It is uses magnets in the little pencil to help them learn how to write their alphabet.

As they move the pencil it pulls little balls up. You can just run your hand over them to push them all back down. It even had arrows for the way to write each letter.

This wooden police car was too cute for words. I could not believe how sturdy it was or how well put together. I thought it was a simple wooden car at first.

Until my son pulled the top off and I freaked thinking he had broken it. Inside there were officers!

The silver officers came out in the bottom of them were shapes that had to be put back into the car correctly. The fact that he figured it out before me makes me feel bad. Hey, it happens sometimes. I swear if I have issues with my phone I had it to one of the kids and they fix it in under a minute.

There are two male and two female officers and the are a circle, a square, a triangle, and a star.

Puzzle blocks are always a favorite in our home. These wooden ones were vibrant and just so much fun.

Putting the puzzles together were easy for Sam and Maggie. They spent hours with these.

Finally, there were these wooden counting pieces. You had to match the number with the correct item. You also had the number written on the back side so they could be matched with their written form as well.

Sam loved the way you could feel the pictures and the numbers. I would put the blocks in a bag and they had to pull them out and match them up together. It was fun and educational.
The kids loved these toys and with Sam’s form of Autism it isn’t always easy to find things he will play with. Every single item intrigued him and made him want to participate more than he normally would. I can’t think of a better review than that. A child who will only touch or play with something that he deems alright means we go through tons of items that end up in the donate bin. With Elfbox he was engaged and playful.