Buying gifts for grandparents isn’t always easy. I no longer have any living grandparents and my mother lives with us so we don’t have to worry about sending anything. However, if she didn’t or if we had grandparents that live a long distance GrandBox is the gift I would send to them. It is designed for those grandparents who live far away and maybe don’t see their grandchildren as often as they want to.

I love the newspaper tissue paper that is in the box. It adds a bit of nostalgia for grandparents I think. GrandBox is very full so I know they will love it. That little piece of envelop you see sticking out are pictures that you can submit to be sent with your box. They can anything that you want. You can send up to five.

See how full it is? There is just so much stuff. Ma could not wait to check out all of these goodies and neither could the kids.

These cookies were a huge hit. They were super sweet though. One had the kids climbing the walls and Ma with them.

This lotion smells good enough to eat. It’s all vanilla goodness. I just want to bathe in it.

I will admit that my mother goes around looking for emery boards all the time. She can never find one after she uses it. My guess is she throws them away each time without thinking.

We have had this candy before and I want to say it came from GrandBox as well but I can’t remember off the top of head. Either way it is sooo good!

Can you believe that these were eaten by Ma and kids while I was in the middle of taking pictures? I snap the ones I needed of these dried cranberries and then when I turned around the package was empty.

I had never tried pumpkin seeds before these. The maple was just enough to give them a good flavor. I didn’t really taste any sea salt.

I love Earl Grey tea and this sachet could not have made me happier. We hung it in our laundry room to have a wonderful smell every time we walked in.

This is a wet-it which is like a cloth that you can wet and use. Ma has this put up because it is too pretty to use.
This is a perfect gift for grandparents who live far away. It’s great for those who live close by as well but for those who don’t they get a full box of items as well as some pictures that will mean the world to them.