I loved to swing when I was a little girl. I still do, although now it is more or less on the porch swing. Play Wild has a tree swing that will knock your socks off though. We were lucky enough to get one to review and I can’t even begin to tell you how much fun it is is.

The Play Wild 40″ Saucer Tree Swing is so wonderful. When we got it in I waited for when my brother was visiting to put it up. That way he could do it for me. Now they did send me the Tree Swing Hanging Straps Kit to ensure I would have it in the tree. First things first though the boys had to put things together. I mean just look at that concentration!

There wasn’t much to it and they got it together quickly. After they were ready they had to find the tree they wanted it in.

They walked the whole yard trying to decide. I didn’t think it was that difficult but I apparently don’t know what I am talking about.

In the end they had to use a strap between two trees because there wasn’t a branch that was hanging down far enough.

This thing was almost as big as he is. He was so excited and I was thrilled about it.

I admit that I put this photo to show y’all my crazy brother wearing socks not only with those shoes but also shorts.On top of the fact that it was cold enough for jackets but apparently not pants.

You can sit a variety of ways in the swing and there is more than enough room for an adult or even two small kids at a time.

This swing is super fun! It help me up and we aren’t gonna talk about how much I weigh. Although, I admit everyone had their phone out waiting for me to fall. Thank the Lord I didn’t! If you are looking for hours of fun outdoors then I highly recommend this swing.