Fitness is something that is on my list this year and I am sure is on many of yours as well. Well, it is more like on my “need to do more” list for next year. That means I have been researching ways to add in more exercise without doing any more damage to my poor body than what there already is. I walk as much as I can but I am unable to do a lot of weight lifting and other things. When I came across Whirly Board I knew I wanted to try it out. Luckily got me they agreed to work with me so I could see if it was something I was capable of.

Just what is Whirly Board? Let me allow them to explain and then I will add in my two cents.
Whirly Board LLC is a startup company founded on the belief that time spent riding a board is directly proportional to quality of life. Every athlete knows that good muscular strength and endurance are necessary in order to succeed and become the best you can be. The best athletes are well rounded. They have strength, endurance, mental stamina, balance, agility, proprioception, and good motor control.
What does all that mean? It means that while using the board you will increase your balance, agility, and board control among other things. It will help you be a fitter by being about to move better. At least that’s what I got from all of that. For some like me who isn’t very fit to begin with this is a big deal. I mean it takes a lot for me to move in certain directions and I have a ton of balance issues with my foot being the way it is. For those who don’t know I shattered my ankle and so other bones in my teens. I had surgery to repair the damage. I got a steel rod, a bunch of screws, a metal plate, and such in the place of the bones. Everything was fine even though I had limited range of motion. Then a few years ago two things happened. One a lady rammed me with her shopping cart in a store and I fell off the porch all in one day. What I didn’t know at the time was when the cart hit me the metal part near the wheels slammed into the side of my ankle and knocked some of the screws crooked.

That weakened the ankle and my fall cause some other damage. Now I have a hot mess. At least that is how it feels some days. My range of motion is even more limited and I have lose some strength which I am trying to build back up. Whirly Board helps with that because I have to balance myself on the board. Underneath is three round balls. The largest one is what you balance on. I use the counter in the kitchen to hold onto while I get on the board and then let go. I stay by the counter for now in case I need help.

There are plenty of things that you can do on the board (that looks a lot like skateboard or snowboard) I have just been learning to balance. In doing that I am building strength in my ankle. It is slow process but again this is just me. I’m sure if was anyone else they be turning flips and doing all sorts of things.
This board could not be more fun. While I am still learning to balance on it I am having a blast and am confident that by the end of next year I will be a master at it. I use muscles I haven’t used in forever.