With Easter behind us I am getting ready to begin planning our Fourth of July. I know what you are thinking but now that I am writing here I want to share with you some of the wonderful things that I make. It’s funny because I am always the one that plans the holidays, figures out the meals, and then does all of the cooking. I rarely get to enjoy the holiday itself because there is so much that I do. However I wouldn’t change it for the world.
When I was younger I would watch as the women in my family put together this feast that always amazed me. One of my favorite things to do was to polish the china and silverware when I was at my Grandmother’s. I couldn’t wait until I was at the adult table so that I could use all of that beautiful dishware. Now in my home we don’t really have china or good silverware. That doesn’t mean that we don’t put on a spread it just means that my dishes tend to be more like me, eclectic and that is okay. I have no problem mixing patterns and colors. In fact I will be unveiling some new serving bowls soon.
It takes me months to organize and decide what we will be having, how many people will be invited, how many will actually show up, and put out any fires among them all. Everyone has an opinion of what foods to serve and how to do things and to be honest you would think the would of realized by know that I don’t listen to them and never will. It is chaos at its best and I love it!
Do you plan your holiday meals?
I am the one that does the bulk of the holiday cooking and party planing. My mom and sisters help but it takes me to get the ball rolling.
We always plan our holiday meals, all the way down to the place cards on the table. We have a huge family and a lot of them visit for the holidays so we have no choice but to plan. I find it fun though so I don’t mind.