It’s time for another hot topic and this week are the high expectations that I have always placed on myself. I’m that it has something to do with my OCD but I always expect more from myself than I would from anyone else. I feel like such a failure when I don’t meet those expectations also. Like the world is going to end failure.
It’s funny that I don’t really expect much from others but then I have learned over the years not to. I will do things a million times until I feel that it is perfect. Then do it once again one more time just for good measure. That is something that I am working very hard to learn not to do. I am learning (by force and I’m telling you it is hard as Hades!) to give something my all and not over analyze it. That way I don’t pick it apart and then end up doing five times the amount of work. Sometimes work that really didn’t need to be done again and again. If you have been with me a while then you have seen this first hand from time to time. It is just one my many idiosyncrasies. Yep I know big words too! 😉
Share Your Thoughts
Do you expect things of yourself that you would never expect of someone else?
I am right there with you. I always hold myself to higher expectations than other people. I have to check in with myself several times a day and remind myself to slow down or just let some things go.
I try to be easy on myself and others.
For me, some things have come with age. I feel disappointed at times things arent different, but hey we all arent perfect. We have to stop and count the blessings we do have whatever they may be and be happy.. I think thats one of the toughest things with the internet is being exposed to so many things is the comparisons are easier to make.
OCD can affect so many aspects of everyday life, and it has many ramifications. I understand how hard it is hard to resist its urgings. I hope you can learn to cut yourself some slack and ease back a bit on those high expectations. While it’s good to aim for the best, we should allow ourselves to be content with “good enough” every once in a while.