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In light of the recent women’s movements, #MeToo and Time’s Up have both raised some good points. Why are women not as well represented in the workplace? Is the world run by men? Will ladies always be the sex that comes second? These are questions which demand answers, but they won’t reveal themselves anytime soon. If #MeToo and Time’s Up should teach us anything, it’s that we are in it for the long haul.
But, that leaves the problem of the meantime. Passionate, driven businesswomen don’t want to wait decades for a fair crack of the whip. Thankfully, we don’t have to.
Trim The Fat
Whether it’s right or wrong, women are expected to do things that men aren’t. For example, take time off to have a baby and start a family, but come back to work as soon as possible. And, don’t think about taking time off when they are sick or need babysitting. It’s a hard task balancing kids with the office, which is why anything which isn’t necessary or a passion needs to go. That way, there should be more time for you to complete the tasks which are essential without wasting time. Even the smallest amount of time will add up in the long-term.
Stand Out
Some people say women lack the personality traits to succeed. Thanks for that, Jordan Peterson. Others question whether men are more likely to choose dudes because, well, they share body parts. The brutal truth is that it doesn’t matter in many respects. What is substantial is the bettering yourself to stand out from the crowd. Take an online MBA degree and add it to your resume. Or, attend networking conferences and build on your contacts. Some women even take the health and safety role and use it as a springboard.
Manage Perceptions
Businesswomen have it difficult because they have to deal with a variety of judgments. If the shirt is too open, you are being proactive and using sexuality to gain an advantage. Women that wear pantsuits are boring and frigid. A laughy and smiley person is nice but not leadership material. Seriously, this is how some people think, but you can change perceptions. Don’t be afraid to laugh and joke and be happy, but do it at the right times. When a deadline is due, be sure to appear and act professionally to give off a positive image.
Look Elsewhere
You’ve tried all the above to no avail and fear you’re stuck in a rut. Don’t worry because there is one last option – leave. It’s not wise to go without a job waiting in the wings, but you should one-hundred percent check listings for a new position. Sometimes, the organization isn’t forward thinking enough and is the one stuck in its ways. Therefore, the only way to succeed is to jump ship and board another one with more opportunities. Although it sounds cynical, loyalty can be overrated for businesswomen.
What would you like to see added to the list?
I find it so frustrating that women are still underpaid compared to men!!
helpful list to share