When you are a parent you learn very quickly how to deal with all the messes that will come your way. How you deal with it is totally up you. My sister in-law is the mom who has one child but has to buy a mini-van because she takes everything out of the nursery with her everywhere she goes. I watched a friend’s little girl once and when she dropped her off she left four diaper bags. I wasn’t sure what the deal was because the little girl was staying for 45 minutes but soon found out the she had a diaper bag for each thing (I’m talking one for the diapers, one for cups of milk, etc.)
I am the mom who had everything she needs (with a few things she doesn’t) and is always prepared for the mess that is inevitably going to happen. If you look in my car you will find a small box in the trunk that has a change of clothing for each of the kids, a first-aid kit, and a large container of wipes. I console is a bottle of hand sanitizer and small container of wipes, as well as in the backseat (notice a pattern here?) I use wipes a lot because they get the job done easily and effectively. For example once my son had a bit of an accident where he green chunks all the way to the windshield. It was freezing cold and we were on the way home in the middle of nowhere. The closest gas station was still more than twenty miles away.
Not a problem I pulled out my wipes and sanitizer and cleaned the car. Changed him into his clean clothes and tied the smelly ones up in a couple of bags. I remember that day not because of the mess (although it was a huge one) but because of what he asked me. He asked me after we started back on our way of I was angry that he got sick. It was one of those moments that define us as mothers. I told him no I was not angry, that accidents happen. The truth was I wasn’t angry but irritated in a “this could happen to me” way. The moment he spoke those words in his little voice all of my irritation melted away. I learned to expect the unexpected and go with it. Now every time we drive pass the spot Daniel has to tell whoever in the car that is where he got naked on the side of the road.
Huggies is introducing new and improved products designed to withstand the real life challenges of parenting just like mine: Huggies Snug & Dry Diapers which have an im proved Leak and Lock to pull in wetness along with a SnugFit waistband to give a secure fit. Huggies Natural Care Wipes which now clean even better. Huggies along with me are encouraging parents to try the new and improved Huggies Diapers and Wipes and put them to the test. Parents can go to the Huggies Latino Facebook Page to share stories about putting Huggies products to the test at home a chance to win a fully stocked Huggies diaper bag.
To help spread the word Huggies has collaborated with Poncho de Anda and Lina Amashta to put Huggies to the test. Poncho and Lina have webisodes about their Huggies experience. check out one below:
How do you tackle parenting’s messes and stress? Don’t forget to like the Huggies Latino Facebook Page and enter to win a fully stocked Huggies diaper bag!
Disclosure: This is part of a compensated campaign with Latina Bloggers Connect and Huggies. However, all opinions expressed are my own.