After a miscarriage, it’s very common for couples to want to try to conceive again. Some couples might decide to start trying right away while some might choose to wait for some months; it depends on the couple’s decision and how urgently they want children. The only factor limiting the next pregnancy is probably when ovulation will occur. There are three periods in pregnancy which are: the first trimester, second trimester and last trimester. A trimester is a period of three months.
Under normal circumstances, a woman is expected to return to her normal menstrual cycle in three months at large and obviously, a woman who had a first-trimester miscarriage will expectedly return to her normal menstrual cycle earlier than a woman who had a second-trimester miscarriage.
Women who recently had a miscarriage might start wondering if they should wait a while before trying again, some doctors advised waiting for a period of three to six months in order for the hormones to be normalized and return to their former state of functionality.
In order to begin preparation of the new pregnancy, one has to track their ovulation after a miscarriage with a daily ovulation prediction test. These tests try to detect the presence of luteinizing hormones in one’s urine. A positive result is extracted when the luteinizing hormones reach a certain concentration. This test comes with two different methods; you either urinate in the test tube directly or dip the strip in the urine for a certain period of time.
While the test is going on, you need to be cautious of some things that may hinder an accurate result especially a hormone called the human chorionic gonadotropin [HCG]. This hormone is secreted by the body during pregnancy and tends to remain raised after a miscarriage. The woman is supposed to allow the HCG to reduce to a level in which it is not discoverable and of course, if the HCG isn’t allowed to reduce, the test would give a negative result.
The decision of when to start trying to conceive should be made by the couple. Trusted ones can also be asked for advice. But most importantly, one should consult a doctor and after a series of test, the doctor should be able to give a reasonable period in which the couple tries to conceive.
After consulting the doctor, you will be told if it is medically advisable to start conceiving right away or you have to wait for a period of time. And during the waiting period, one should make use of some forms of contraception until the waiting period is over.
Although, if the couple decides to start trying right away there might be some factors hindering that decision, for example if one had a dilation and curettage surgery, one has to wait for a certain amount of time because it requires some months for the womb’s lining to build to a level enough to support another pregnancy. And of course, if the lining isn’t strong enough to hold another pregnancy, it will lead to another miscarriage. One might also not be able to conceive immediately if one went through the medical management option and one took drugs like Misoprostol.
It’s normal to be frustrated after a miscarriage and it’s also frustrating to have to wait for ovulation after experiencing a miscarriage. Some women start ovulating right away out of luck and might even get pregnant, but it’s best to give the body some time and also monitor the body.
The only thing that keeps women who previously encountered miscarriage going is the knowledge that they can still get pregnant again.
Although, the World Health Organization has suggested that women wait for a period of six months after miscarriage before trying to conceive but recent studies rendered this suggestion useless.
Miscarriage has been proven to be a one-time occurrence in most cases relating to women who don’t have issues with their reproductive system. Under normal circumstances, very few women encounter miscarriage consecutively. The probability of a pregnant woman to encounter miscarriage after a previous miscarriage is about 14 per cent, but after two consecutive miscarriages, the risk rises to 26 per cent.
If miscarriages are encountered consecutively, one should seek medical attention as soon as possible. If possible, blood tests and chromosomal tests are recommended. Procedures like hysterosalpingography, hysteroscopy, sonohysterogram are recommended. Also it is not advisable to have sex for two weeks after miscarriage to prevent infections.
There is no accurate amount of time to wait before trying to conceive again as it all depends on how quickly the woman starts ovulating. A lot of medical personnel advised to wait a few months before trying to conceive to increase the chances of a healthy pregnancy. If a woman’s body isn’t ready to hold pregnancy by the time a woman conceives, the risk of having a miscarriage will be increased. The uterus and the endometria lining needs time to recover and of course, if the uterus and endometrial lining didn’t recover fully before a woman conceives she faces higher risks of miscarriage. It is considered safe medically to conceive after three to four normal menstruations if no treatment or tests were carried out of the cause or effect of the miscarriage.
The next pregnancy might not be as joyous as the previous because of the fear of another miscarriage; some physicians advised that do not only give time for your body to heal before another pregnancy also give yourself time to heal emotionally before attempting to conceive.
Miscarriage is a common occurrence, out of every five pregnancies only one end in miscarriage which mostly occurs during the first trimester. For women under 35, the probability of a miscarriage is about 15 per cent. The probability of miscarriage increases as the woman ages. For women between the ages of 35 to 45, the probability of a miscarriage is about 20 to 35 per cent and for women over 45 years the probability of a miscarriage is about 50 per cent.
Thank you for sharing this information. It’s difficult to make this decision and this was very informative.
Making the decision to try to get pregnant after a miscarriage is something that should be talked about. It’s not an easy discussion to talk about either! I was [thankfully] able to find out I was pregnant in July after miscarrying in April. I know there are some people who aren’t that lucky and I feel sorry for them. I now have a beautiful almost 5 year old Rainbow baby girl!
This is excellent information for women going through this difficult time in their lives. I know first hand what a tough decision it is to try again.
My sister in law got pregnant 3 months after her miscarriage. It was such a heartbreaking loss but I have a healthy niece!
This is a really good article, but as an obstetrical RN, I’d love to see some medical sources cited.