One thing you may not pay much attention to is the blood sugar levels in your body. I didn’t before I had to watch them every single day. You may want to pay more attention if you are at risk for diabetes. Maybe you feel faint or not well a lot. It could be your blood sugar levels going up and down. Just what are blood sugars? Well, simply put they the concentration of blood glucose in your body. When it gets too low, it causes hypoglycemia. if yours are dropping to hypoglycemic levels, here are a few signs:
You Feel Dizzy or Shaky
This is the most common symptom of your blood sugar dropping. It is the one thing you will notice first. It may be that you only feel dizzy when you stand up or move around. You have to be a bit careful with this symptom. Getting dizzy when you stand could be other things such as your blood pressure or a heart issue. It could be nothing at all. It is always good to have it checked out by your doctor.
You Feel Fatigue
Again, this could be something else. With chronic hypoglycemia this is more common a symptom. I’m not talking about how tired you feel after a workout or maybe you were up too long the day before. This is feeling fatigued even after having a good night’s sleep. It sticks with you all day long regardless of much rest you get.
You Have Anxiety
Suddenly having anxiety can be a symptom of low blood sugar. As your blood sugar levels drop many people begin to experience mental illness issues. If you normally don’t have anxiety or you only get it before (or after) an event talk with your doctor. It could be that you have diabetes or prediabetes and not a mental illness. Can I just say that last line sounded so much like a psa? I wanted to write, the more you know after I finished!
You Have Mood Swings
Before any one says I will first, there are a million different reasons to have mood swings. Yes, PMS is one of them! There I got that out of the way. Blood sugar levels can affect your mood though and having your emotions all over the place can be a sign you need to have things checked out. Especially if you are suddenly very moody and not likely to be pregnant or having pms.
Knowing the signs and symptoms to look for are the first tools to help you resolve the problem. If you know that you could be at risk, talk with your doctor. If you are having any of the above symptoms, talk with your doctor. It is better to have testing done and it be nothing than to wait until it is too late. Trust me finding out when there is almost nothing that can be done will do so much more damage to your mental health.