Everyone should, at least roughly, plan their future. Because if you only live into the day, you will quickly find that in the end all time has passed and many dreams still remain unreached. But why is it often so difficult to plan the way that we want?
Which dreams do you want to fulfil, what else do you want to learn and what do you want to try? If you don’t have goals, you can’t achieve them either. But time will still go by, whether you use it or not. That doesn’t mean you have to meticulously plan your future and then follow that plan closely. Plans can change – but not even starting to plan because you don’t know what the future will bring is reprehensibly foolish. Planning for the future also helps to be aware of what you actually want to achieve. Can you put your wishes into clear words or are they still a rather vague idea? Once you know what you want, you can react much more flexibly to the unforeseen and take a different path to your goal. The further away, the more difficult. However, there is a big catch in planning for the future: the further away the goal is, the harder it is to stay on the ball or to get up at all.
Why should you save now to have your own house in 10 years? Studies show that when faced with a choice, most people prefer to take a small reward right away rather than a larger one in the future. This is a legacy our ancestors made us: For survival, it is better to get enough food now than to wait and only possibly get more food in the future. Planning for the future is always a very abstract process. Some people often forget to look at things such as insurance for all areas of their life. If you don’t know who to choose, then take a look at PHP Agency reviews. The further something is in the future, the more uncertainties surround it. Therefore plan now, look at the people you want to help you on your journey and make solid decisions about your career, your health and even your relationships.
The solution
If you want to plan your future and also pursue your goal with motivation, you need a trick. The abstract motivation “If I save now, I can buy a house in 10 years” will very likely not motivate you in the long term. To avoid giving up halfway, try to pull the motivation into the present and charge it with positive emotions. What does your own house mean to you? Security, comfort, control over your own four walls? Then every month, when you put money aside, make yourself aware that you are actively working for these great feelings. Combine your current actions with positive feelings, because only that will motivate you in the long term. If you are training because you want to run the marathon at some point, make yourself aware with every training session that you are not only training for a future run, but that you are doing something good for yourself and your body at this moment. Your future is in your own hands.

That’s true, an ideal future doesn’t look the same for everyone!