Undergoing IVF can present many challenges, from disruptions in your everyday schedule to increased stress as you worry about the outcome of your treatments. Self care is more important than ever during this time. Do all that you can to stay healthy and relaxed throughout this period to give yourself the best possible chances of healthy conception.
Limit Your Activity
While it’s true that maintaining a healthy BMI will help you conceive, engaging in too much exercise can have a negative impact as well. Vigorous exercise diminishes your chances of getting pregnant, so you want to take it easy during IVF. According to one study, women were 40 percent less likely to have a live birth if they exercised more than four hours a week — not only during their treatments, but in the years leading up to them as well. Cardiovascular exercise is particularly problematic. In the same study, women who participated in this type of activity had a 30 percent lower chance of a live birth.
Reduce Your Stress
Image via Flickr by Risager
Many women turn to exercise for stress relief, which is an outlet they’ll lose during IVF treatments. Even if you don’t work out for the endorphin boost, you’ll want to have a reliable way to stay calm and happy throughout the process. Stress is one of the top reasons women drop out of IVF treatment, so begin exploring your options ahead of time so you’re prepared with an action plan. Try different types of crafts or hobbies, begin meditating, or start a journal to see what works best on your stress.
Try an Acupuncture Session
Studies have shown that acupuncture may increase your chances of success with IVF. This is a relatively risk-free option when you’re going to a licensed, reputable provider. Acupuncture can offer additional benefits as well, such as reduced anxiety and depression and relief from chronic pain. The best way to know if acupuncture is right for your case is to speak with a fertility specialist about adding these treatments to your health plan.
Tweak Your Diet
It’s important to follow a healthy,diet both leading up to and throughout your fertility treatments. Increase your low-fat protein intake with plenty of poultry, fish, beans, peas, and nuts. Make sure you’re consuming plenty of zinc through foods like spinach and mushrooms. Folic acid is essential for healthy conception as well. You’ll find folic acid in asparagus, avocado, and dark leafy greens.
Make Time for Sleep
Adjust your schedule to make sure you have plenty time for adequate rest during IVF. Poor sleep habits can lead to infertility, so it’s crucial that you incorporate ample sleep in your routine during this time. If you’re having trouble getting enough sleep, talk to your doctor about taking a melatonin supplement. Melatonin has been shown to increase fertility and improve sleep patterns.
Though it’s easier said than done, one of the best things you can do for yourself during IVF is to relax and find ways to fill your schedule with healthy activities that you love. Sit back and enjoy this chance to give yourself a little extra pampering as you work your way through your treatments.
These are not bad ideas for most women not just ones doing IVF.
Thank you for sharing this important information.
This is good information, that I wonder if all doctors inform their patients about these activities.
I hadnt heard exercise would impact IVF. I know of course some exercise too much (to a extreme ) and it might affect things but not just 4 hours per week. I remember looking into it years ago, and the only thing mentioned was relaxing and getting rest. IVF can be emotionally and physically difficult.
Very important information. I had a friend who went through this for several years and it was a very very trying time for her …and her husband. She’s pregnant right now! 🙂
I cant imagine having to go through this. But I give major kudos to the women that DO go through it- im sure they make great mamas in the end!
Although I’m fortunate in that I never underwent IVF, I have had friends and family members who went through it. It certainly takes a lot of commitment and determination, as well as support from the woman’s partner and those around her. It affects every aspect of her life, emotional as well as physical. Thanks for this interesting post.
I have a dear friend going through this. thank you for the great tips
Swimming is a good exercise that can be good for you without too much stress.