You remember recently I told you about how I bought something that I didn’t need at all. Well guess what? I just did it again and I going to be honest and say I have no idea what the heck is wrong with me. I didn’t say anything to Ma this time because I was so ashamed of myself. I went to confession and told my priest who said that I shouldn’t feel ashamed and that God has a plan for me.
I spent money that I knew we didn’t really have to spend on something that I know for a fact I will never need or use. I could return it but I can’t bring myself to do that. I have such a feeling that I need this just as much as I need to the other thing. I just don’t know why and I hope there is a reason for this wastefulness. I just know that I could not stop myself from making either purchase and that if God has a plan for all of this I hope he lets me know soon.
You are WAY too hard on yourself Rita. Sometimes we just get caught up. You put so much into your family and are not a chronic spender. Just let it go! You should see what my husband buys. He picks up multiples of things and has so much junk around, it is so ridiculous. A couple weird or spontaneous buys is not inhuman.
I did get caught up and am not a chronic spender although I have a movie purchase confession to make that really irks me! Ma has a ton of junk too and I try really hard to only purchase what we will need or use. Other than the occasional movie or fun stuff for the kids. This has just really bothered me because even if I knew I might need these things I would have much more rational decisions about them.
We all have our moments of weakness. Maybe you would feel better if you returned it instead of letting the guilt eat away at you. It might have the effect of clearing your conscious.
I actually tried to return this yesterday. However before I got to that store I had to make another stop and put some wiper fluid in the car so the dinging would stop. There was an incident and I ended up coming home rather than being able to go to that store.
Awe Rita it will be fine, we have all done this at one time or another, believe that God has a plan and welcome it without the guilt
I hope so because if this is idea of a joke I am not finding funny at all.
I think we have all done this before.. I know I have done it several times. The worst part of it is I usually do it when money is at the tightest. I know crazy! But there is just something that pushes you to buy it. So don’t stress yourself out to much. If it became a daily problem then that would be different. I truly believe that God has a plan for you. I also believe part of his plan is bring you into our life’s. We are blessed to have you.
It is I who am blessed to have all of you in my life. You are all so amazing and I am sure there is a plan for all of us.
I wouldn’t worry about it so much. It’s not like you’re making a habit out of overspending every month. You’ll figure out why you got it and if you can’t maybe you’ll find someone who needs the items more than you do.
Maybe. If I was making this a daily habit we would have a serious problem. You know me, I make a plan and then obsess over until it drives em crazy.
If it’s really bothering you maybe you can still return it? Maybe it’s enough to know that you could have this item if you wanted it, but instead you are CHOOSING not to keep it. Give yourself a break though. You have so much on your plate.
We are all human and everyone does this from time to time. I just did it yesterday myself and got home questioning why I bought an item. Sometimes I just do this to get out of the house and have some type of socialization going on in my life and buying something gives me a feeling that I have some control in my life about making decisions.
we have all been there! do not be so hard on yourself. We have all bought an item that we realized soon after that we did not have an use for. But like you said, everything happens for a reason and your obviously bought it for some purpose, so you never know when you might need it
I can totally relate, especially when I see things on sale. I try to tell myself that just because it’s a good deal, it doesn’t mean that I need it, but it’s really hard. Good luck- keep fighting the good fight!
I’m wondering if we tend to do these things when we can least afford to do them, it’s because part of us wants to assert independence or rebel against the constraints of budgets. It’s an interesting thought.
It is an interesting thought