On trying to be the perfect whatever! I realize today that I spend a lot of time telling myself that I am not as good as whoever. I am not as good at juggling work, home, kids, etc as my mother. I am not as good as this blogger or that person. What I realize is that no one could ever live up to the standards my mother set. She worked all day, raised us kids, managed the house, and had dinner on the table every night at 6 pm. That doesn’t happen in my home.
Some days I feel so overwhelmed my husband and kids are lucky they even get dinner. In fact the best night we had recently I was cooking dinner for my husband at midnight while he sat at the counter talking to me. He doesn’t judge, doesn’t expect me to be anyone but me. That is why I love as much as I do.
Our life is so crazy most days but he can still find two minutes to tell me I am beautiful or do something silly to make me smile because I have been depressed. He deserves that woman who can do it all but he’s not looking for her. What I am going to do is just try and be the best I can be for him and for our children.
I think that once you “give up” trying to be perfect, you’ll realize that you’re doing a great job! You have a lot on your plate. Don’t forget to take time for you and do something you love…or have a date night and NOT talk about work 🙂
@Kal I hear you. While attending this conference this weekend I realized that I do a lot and that my measure of success is much smaller than what other people actually think of me. I also learned that it is okay to take a break for a few days. Everything will not fall apart.
love this! I try to remind myself, it’s so important these days with little ones!!! They don’t last forever and if I can’t be all these other things right now the way I want to, I will have plenty of time later…right now I just do my best and make it good… and I look to God for the rest;)