There is just something about that line for me that reminds me that Moses was raised by the very people God would send him to rally against. The same people who would suffer the seven plagues. That is something that I think Hollywood got right for us. No, that doesn’t happen in the bible. In fact, there isn’t a mention of it really. Yet, can you imagine what Moses must have felt? What must have Ramses felt? They were raised as brothers and yet they weren’t.
I worried that all of my information was solely from the movie. At least what I remember of it. I will admit after reading the story of Moses again in Exodus I have a new found respect for him. After all leading his people out of Egypt wasn’t easy. I mean think about the last trip you took with your children if you have them. They most likely whined a lot, asked if they were there yet, and many other things. those things that made you say at least once “Don’t make me turn this car around.”
Don’t Make ME Go Back to Egypt
I wonder if Moses ever had that moment. “Don’t make me turn this caravan around head right back to Egypt. I bet he thought it at least a dozen times. In the bible there are moments when no matter what he does it doesn’t seem like enough for the people. They aren’t getting fed enough, they aren’t getting there fast enough, the list goes on and on. I mean they spent forty years wandering around the desert together.
No Reward
In the end Moses doesn’t even get to go into the promised land. All that work, faith, and dealing with that whininess and he doesn’t even get rewarded with living in the place they were promised. That had to chafe a little. I wonder if Moses stood as stoic as Charlton Heston when the time came.
We Need The Human Side
One thing the bible doesn’t convey about Moses much is his very human side. That, again, is something I think the movie gets right. Seeing the emotion on Mr. Heston helps remind us that Moses was a very real person. He lived, he accomplished things that are miraculous beyond our understanding, and he died. Can you imagine anyone today leading the sheer number of people he did out of the land they are living in and follow God on faith alone? Never knowing where you are going, how you will survive, or what you will do other than that God has a plan for you?