The dentist scared the crap out of me. There I said it. They do and unlike a lot of people who have dentophobia, which fear of the dentist by the way, mine has a reason behind it. I thought I would share a little bit of my story with y’all. Although I need to warn you that it will make my poor mother look bad. That is not my intention but sometimes the things that we say as parents or even adults have lasting effects.
When I was young, around six or seven, my mother took my older brother and I to the dentist. This is way back when they still gave you silver fillings and such. He and I each had a cavity and needed a filling. We lived in a small town and my brother and I had walked to the dentist from school for a previous appointment. Our parents were at work and we were latch-key keys before that was a thing. Ma taking us was a big deal. It meant my little short legs didn’t have to try and keep up with my tall brother.
We are sitting waiting our turn and we can hear the drill the dentist is using. While it was as loud as it was, it is beyond me. Ma, God bless her, made the comment that the dentist would be using the same drill on us and we shouldn’t get upset about the noise. That was the moment I became terrified. All I could hear was that drill and it scared me beyond reason.

To this day when I walk into a dentist office all I hear is that drill. Why my mother felt the need to point out that he would be using the drill on us is beyond me. In fact, she had to practically hold me down in the chair for me to get the filling. I was fighting for my life. At least that is how it felt at the time.
It wasn’t until a few years ago that I even attempted to go to the dentist without any medication prior to the appointment. Normally, the dentist has to give me a dose of “I don’t care meds” before I can make it through the appointment. The appointment was nerve racking and I was shaking so bad that the table of instruments was rattling.
It was such a real fear for me. One that took me a lifetime to overcome. I wouldn’t say I was over it completely but I am certainly better about it all. The dentist can do some things without the meds but anything big and we have to plan. Although now with my health issues we have to plan anyway.
One tip that I can provide is to be sure to find a dentist that you can be comfortable with. This should help in easing your dentophobia. This dentist who does cosmetic injections in Pulaski also highly recommends requesting the dentist’s credentials. If you see that they have a good medical background, you can be more confident that you’re in good hands.
I am so afraid of the dentist that I only go to dentist that will sedate me. I always need a ride home because I get an IV sedation. When I was really young, a dentist slapped me in my face because of the way I reacted when I was given a numbing shot in my mouth.