The idea is that each person taking part reaches his or her personal peak fitness while having the support that you need and raising money for charity. I can’t think of a better reason to get fit (the fact that I need to has nothing to do with it!) I really do need to and having the motivation to do it will help me more than ever. Did you notice I got new shoes just for the occasion? Cause a girl need new shoes!
My Personal Peak
Well stay tuned y’all because my goal is to hike a mountain! You read that right! I am hiking up a mountain and making my sister-in-law do it with me. God only knows if we will survive it but there you go. The last time I walked a long distance with her I thought she was going to slap me, God love her. I have hiked the mountain near where I live but you can’t really call it a mountain it is really more like a large hill. My mom can walk up in like 20 minutes so that doesn’t count!
Give a Little Support
I would love if you all would cheer us on as we work towards this challenge. Don’t worry I will be posting plenty of updates and (gulp!) pictures on my social media so you can see how we’re doing in the training. I know that many of you will be taking part in the challenge yourself, so are all the Crossroads Media Hub partners. We are excited to be taking part in such a great cause. If you can’t take part in the challenge you can still be a part of the support and effort. Just head over to justgiving.com/MyPeakChallenge and make a donation.
Join the Challenge
For those of you who would like to join the challenge then head over to bearstrength.co.uk/MyPeakChallenge for all the details. They have a Welcome Pack with a Tee and other information that will be available soon. Before you ask, of course, I am ordering myself one and because I am such a nice sister in-law (just ask her she will tell you so!) I am getting hers for her as well.
Mark Your Calendars
The official My Peak Weekend will be March 14th and 15th. Everyone will be carrying out their goals in real time including us!
This is so cool! I haven’t heard of it till now. I love that it’s such a great cause plus there is an entire group for support. What a great way to stay motivated. I will have to go find out more. I can’t wait for more updates! If anyone can do it will be you! Once you set your mind to something you get it done!
Thanks so much Tammy! My sister in-law said I was crazy but she would be crazy with me! We are starting our training and I will be updating everyone soon.
I had to read about your challenge – wow, a mountain! That is certainly ambitious! Good luck with it and I look forward to updates to see how you are progressing.
Thanks Michelle! I figured if I was going to do it I might as well go big. I have been wanting to do this for a while and just really needed something to push me to doing it.
This sounds like an awesome venture as well as for a good cause. I wish you luck!
Thank you! I am very excited about it.
Climbing a mountain should be fun. Not my kind of fun mind you… unless it is hiking. I dont think I would do well climbing!
You can do it- remember each step taken you will be one step closer!