For most couples, marriage represents the ultimate seal of their love, the perfect proof that your partner is ready to devote the rest of their lives to you. But marriage is not as simple as it sounds, as it comes with a lot of sacrifices, time, effort, and commitment – all of which go beyond just being in love. And although most people may argue that love is an essential foundation for marriage, there are also many other factors that a couple should take into account before deciding to get married. So, are you planning to get married soon? Do you want to have a long-lasting and fulfilling marriage? Here are some things to consider before you say, “I do.”
Why do you want to get married?

Believe it or not, people marry for so many reasons, and a great number of them have little to do with love. For example, some people may use marriage as a means to gain citizenship. Others marry for the sake of contracts, alliances, or other forms of future benefits. The most important thing is to be certain why you want to get married or what you hope to gain.
Consider the challenges
You should take the time to consider the myriad of possible challenges you may face. There are so many things a couple can overlook while dating but can never ignore when it comes to marriage. For example, issues like religion, citizenship, distance, the ideal place to start a home, finance, etc., are all things you should think carefully about and ensure that you address adequately. If you’re a US citizen planning to marry a non-US citizen, for example, you will need to initiate a k1 visa process to bring your fiance to the United States for your wedding. Or, you may also need to consider getting married outside the US.
Kids or no kids?
You’ve probably heard people say that kids are a blessing, but there are still many people who prefer not to have any. Therefore, it is always important to have that discussion with your partner about having and raising kids to be sure both of you are on the same page. Many people have made the mistake of not bringing this subject up until it is too late. If you both agree to have kids, you should decide on how many you want and how you want to raise them. Discussing this subject as early as possible will help you decide if you want to go ahead with the marriage or not.
Know your deal-breakers

A marriage is always made up of two imperfect people coming together, each with their own set of issues. But no matter how imperfect people are, there should be limits to what you are ready to tolerate from your partner. For example, you should consider issues like domestic violence and different forms of abuse as deal-breakers. That is especially important as domestic violence has left so many people trapped in unhappy marriages.

This was super informative to read and I think more people should consider these things before they get married.
I don’t think I will ever do that again. My ex really crushed me.