When you are struggling with your faith going to God for all things can be much easier said than done. I was raised that you bring everything to God, the good, the bad, and the ugly. It didn’t matter what it was God would help us. “God will help us” or “God will provide” were my daddy’s two favorite sayings. Now that I am older I find that I use those same two saying a lot in my own life and with my own family.
Not so long ago though I was really torn about the “in all things” method of my faith. My aunt and her friend were talking in the store and her friend made the comment “You aren’t suppose to ask God for money.” My response was very quickly, “Why not?” They looked at me like I had grown two heads. My reasoning of course is that if we are u suppose to come to God in all things in our lives doesn’t that mean money issues as well. I have on many occasions said to God that I need this amount of money or I didn’t know how this bill will get paid and that I need help. Somehow, some way the money always shows up. Whether it is some work that hits my inbox or over time for hubby. One way or another God provides.
That particular day though I found myself wondering if I was going about my faith all the wrong way. Was I asking for help in areas that God just really didn’t care about or somehow were those requests going to count against me in the grand scheme of things. So that night I did my other unusual practice and asked God while I was in the shower I talk to him a lot in the shower because it is the one time when I can just let everything out and express myself without hurting someone’s feeling or being asked what I am doing, etc. It is my “me time.” After my shower I realized that my relationship with God is different from everyone elses and if I want to bring it all to God then that’s okay.
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Do you come to God in all things?
This is why I love your blog: you are completely yourself and honest about your feelings.
I too find ways to be closer to God, always. I have found that He provides and knows what is best for me. I try to not only pray for when times are tough, but to thank Him when things go well. Sometimes, when I feel happy and blessed, I take a moment to thank Him. After all, he made that happen. But, I pray for what is “best” too. I completely put it all in God’s hands, and that puts the worry and anxiety in check for me. Although, it is hard, I admit…but I try.
Thank you so much for your wonderful words.
I believe God cares about all aspects of our life and like you I believe we can ask God for anything. Further I believe if we ask for something and it is within his will it will happen.
Rita, I was raised similar to you. You go to God with everything. I have tried to teach my kids that nothing is to big or to small to talk to God about. I don’t care if it’s something like a new toy you want or if it’s something big. The way I see it is you are talking to God.
I remember once I asked the priest of our church why God was letting my dad suffer in pain. The priest looked at me and told me he didn’t understand either. He told me that he was angry with God for the prolonged suffering. He explained that it’s okay to be mad at God. As long as we always remember that we can still turn to God, no matter what.
I bring everything to God, but lately I have been asking myself what I must have done wrong in my life that I am being punished for. Rita we have been having financial (and medical) hardships for so long now that I wonder if God is hearing my prayers. We have not had money to pay our bills and I cannot go the doctor or even get my meds for months on end now. I try to be a good person and even with nothing Pay It Forward as best I can. I find myself questioning my faith lately as I cannot believe that God would allow me to suffer for so long. Bless you for allowing me an outlet to get this out.