Another great quote! It is true that the storm never lasts forever and although we may not like where it leads us it is through the storm that we can understand and see our true strength. I will say that last year was one of the worst years of my life. I felt like everything that could go wrong did. I had high hopes for this year because I just didn’t think things could get any worse.
The truth is that they did and while my storm still rages on, I am grateful for it. Grateful that I can find humility and grace in something that should destroy me. Each day is a lesson in what God has in store for my life and while I may choose to follow his plan or not I am blessed to have that choice. This quote actually reminds me of Noah and hard it must have been to hear all the rain while inside the ark.
I can only imagine the torture of not knowing when it would all be over and the sounds of the storm as it raged on. It must have been maddening and at times disheartening. All he had to go on was family and he placed not only his life and fate in God’s hands but also that of his family’s. The survival of mankind rested on his shoulders and him being able to whether the storm. While I am certainly not Noah I know now that I can weather any storm because I have faith and trust in God.
I love all the great quotes that you post on your blog, they apply to everyone, I always tell myself that others are going through so much more than myself, my health is bad but I have heard worse, I am thankful for what God gives me because I know that my time on earth is only a little while but eternity is forever! I shall suffer little now and know that once I die I will have eternal life free of suffering 🙂
What a great quote. The thing is we all know that it will stop raining at some point. It’s just that when we are wrapped up in the storm, we find it hard to believe that it will ever stop. I love how you referenced Noah. His journey shows us that we will survive.
This really is a wonderful quote, we all have tough times but the tough times make you stronger and refine you as a person. I think many people think being a Christian means everything will be easy but that is not the case, it just means that you have a God on your side who loves you more than you can imagine and wants what is best for you. Sometimes what is best is to have tough times and in our knowledge we may not see or understand why we have to go through the storms but God knows all and what is best.
This post really touched me. I have been feeling very beaten down and overwhelmed lately, like I’m not equal to everything I’ve taken on in life. And I’m not facing anything like the difficulties you have faced in the past year. I realize now I’ve just been feeling sorry for myself. Thank you for bringing me back to reality.
There are definitely times in life when you feel like everything is going wrong and don’t see its getting better in the near future. However, remaining strong is the only option. One should believe in their selves and keep calm, just feel that you are the strongest and keep trying to make the situation better. The tough time will definitely pass because it has to.