One of the first things you learn as a blogger is how important audio can be. The reason is when you do interviews or live blog (as some do) you need to be able to record quality video. The biggest problem is usually that you have to purchase expensive equipment and then learn to use it. Well I have discovered IK Media who actually allows me to record audio straight form my iPad or iPhone. I can’t tell you how great it is to be able to do things with just my phone.
IK Media was wonderful enough to send me a couple of products to try out. The first is the iRig MIC which I will say that the kids all loved! I really loved it too, in fact my nephew said “Now you’re a real reporter!” The doesn’t iRig MIC is the first handheld, quality condenser microphone for iPhone, iPod touch and iPad. You plug it in, download the app, and off you go. It comes with:
with VocaLive FREE, IK’s new real time effects processor suite for the singer and vocalist, and AmpliTube FREE for guitar players and songwriters and iRig Recorder FREE, an IK app for quick audio recording and processing.
all of which makes it all the more easy and fun to use. I can record interviews or work on vocals for church all from my phone. I can’t tell you how great that is.
If the iRig MIC makes you want to drool wait until I tell you about the iRig MIC Cast. It is super small which means I can take it anywhere and it is designed for recording podcasts, interviews, lectures, voice memos, speeches and more. I can record author interviews or even celebrity interviews with no problem. It is also great for recording notes which I actually do a lot. In fact I record and then type up blog posts sometimes because it is easier to speak them out loud while I am driving or do other things. I love the size and the fact that it i easy to use makes me even happier. Did I mention that it also works with your Android device? Well it DOES!
Seems cool, but i doubt the normal person really needs this in their inventory, I’d used it for Kareoke hahaha
iRig is a great accessory for the iPhone and iPad. I’ve thought about getting one for playing guitar through my iPhone.
cool~ i might be getting one soon 😀
Very cool. I’m starting to do interactive multimedia for my work and this would really make it easier to get decent quality audio!
that is such a cool idea. i do not blog that much, but i know some friends who could really use this.
cool good ideia 🙂
For someone who might record a lot this would be nice- great review. I will have to tell my brother he is a guitarist.
This is beyond cool. My daughter would love this. She would totally be into this. I will have to keep this in mind for Christmas for her. Thanks for the review!