I am sure that y’all are all going what? Before I explain what it is, let me set the scene. You all know that I take care of my mother and uncle and most of the time I am okay with all of the weirdness that happens. I mean Ma got a spider bite on her butt, no problem. I cleaned and changed the bandages twice a day until it was healed. My uncle had a few issues with his bladder after surgery. Not a big deal. I cleaned things up and we moved on with our day. However, when he eats I want to stab him with my fork sometimes. He slurps and I’m not just talking about soup.
He slurps when he eats sandwiches! How in the world is that even possible? I swear there are days when he is doing it on purpose and making it super loud too. I know he is. I have mimicked him when he was eating a few times and he called me right out telling me that sounds awful and to stop slurping. Like, dude did you not hear yourself?
Ma likes to scrap her spoon when she’s eating ice cream or soup or cereal. She doesn’t do it all the time but when she eats those foods and that spoon keeps scraping and tapping the bottom of the bowl. I want to crawl right out of my skin.
When my neurologist was asking me about sounds and some other things recently I mentioned how badly these noises affect me now. Before they drove me up a wall. Now, I swear I want to punch someone. Don’t get me started on listening to my sister eat or text while she is on the phone with me. If I could I would reach through and rip out all of her blond hair.
The doctor said I may be suffering from misophonia which is a condition best described as an sound sensitivity syndrome. Certain sounds trigger me and while they may have been annoying before now, since my stroke changed things in my brain so the triggers affect me differently. Don’t worry I’m not going to be on an episode of Dateline anytime soon. I am just learning to live with things differently now. There is some treatment beyond learning the coping strategies that I can try. It may or may not help but to be honest I am just living with it. My poor body has been through a lot and I don’t want to add anything else to it. Especially considering I am having to start treatment for some muscle and nerve damage.
Are there certain things that just trigger you in a way that seems irrational? You never know you could have some strange disorder that sounds worse than it is. Share your weird triggers with us in the comments and let’s see if we have any in common!
My daughter is the same way. We have always said she is sensitive to sounds. She can’t be in the room with her dad when he eats (especially fruit d/t his slurping). Her daughter makes this cat noise that she says makes her want to run out of the room. It is interesting that it has a name.
Very interesting. I’ve never heard of misophonia.
I know some people love ASMR, but it just gives me the creeps!
This is very interesting!
I must have the same condition, I get extremely irritated when I can hear someone eat or swallow loudly. Also when someone is playing with keys or tapping on something.
I get annoyed watching people hum and sway when they are eating. Smiling the whole time.
There are sounds that are very annoying to me but not to your extent. I feel for you. To me it is watching someone eat with there mouth open…. AAAUUUGGGHHH. I want to walk over there and pinch there lips closed like I taught my child how to. It is just GOOD manners but I think they went out the window years ago.
Very interesting. I’ve never heard of such a condition.