I am not a superstitious person. I don’t believe in all of those wives takes although I do believe in a sixth sense or maybe a connection with certain people. For example I woke up in the middle I the night once because I heard my brother call my name. A few minutes later the phone rang, he had a car accident. He was fine but I knew something was wrong.
I am sure you are all familiar with the old “Left for love, right for spite” wives tale about your ears. It used to be that if my left ear itched or burned I was going to hear from Edgar. I know it sounds crazy but if it happened he always called it came home when he was working out-of-town. It never failed! However in the last few year we haven’t been that connected. In fact my ear hasn’t itched that much in the last few years.
However for the last few months every morning about 4 am I wake up with horrible burning and itching ear. I have been to the doctor and nothing is wrong. In fact she said that whoever was talking about me was having a field day. Now I am not naive and think it is Edgar. Lets face if I am sure he hasn’t given me a second thought at all and has no intention of doing so. Every morning I lay in the bed and try not to scratch because it gets worse and keep my hair pulled back. But the whole time there is one thought going through my mind ” you know.” Now I don’t know what it is that I know but it really freaks me out. Ma said that it God talking to me and I should pay closer attention.
She could be right. It could be God’s attention getter. Like his way of saying “Are you listening?”
I have never heard the saying Left for Love, Right for Spite. But I do believe in connection or intuition or sixth sense whatever you want to call it. I think some people are just more in-tune with their surroundings. Maybe your mother is right that it is God trying to speak to you. I don’t know but I would try to be more alert to things happening around me to see if I could find the sign.
I’ve never heard that saying before, but it could definitely be true. My grandmother used to say that someone was coming to visit when my hand itched and it definitely came true. I think that your body can send you signals if you are listening – maybe not that someone else is thinking of you, but definitely that you, or anyone, needs to think about something differently.
Your ma has an interesting take it could very well be God trying to get your attention. Maybe your ear is itching for a new love. I have no idea but as I was reading the article that it what first came to my mind.
I do believe in sixth sense, my husband had an accident and I drove to my parents to let them know (because their phone wasn’t working) and my Mom said that she heard me call her name and woke from a sound sleep.
I definitely believe in connection between people – that story about your brother and the car accident gives me chills! I don’t think I’ve experienced anything like it though.
I’ve never heard of this but that’s totally interesting!! I’ve always been told that when you’re nose itches, you’re going to have company. When your ear itches, someone’s talking about you!
My grandma had a dream about a small white coffin edged with pansies, and kept telling her kids (my mom and uncle) to be careful riding their bikes. Within the week, she got a call from her sister in another town that her little girl was hit and killed by a car. When she went to her funeral, she nearly fainted when she saw the exact same coffin that was in her dream. It always gave me chills and tears whenever my mom mentioned it. Yes, I totally believe there are signs and warnings from a higher power.
I’ve been having dreams of my brother in law that is incarcerated, I want nothing to do with him to what got him there..really weird that I keep dreaming about the family being upset because I won’t go see him or stand behind him, what he did to put himself there is just evil…not sure why I keep having these dreams..