Marriage is hard work! Someone told me that when I first married. I thought whatever. After everything Edgar and had gone through was currently over-coming this marriage thing was going to be easy. Four years into it —Marriage is hard work is an understatement!
One of the biggest problems we have at times is our cultural divide. Growing up in different cultures can make meeting somewhere in the middle difficult. As a Mexican man he feels that a woman should not question anything her husband does and is very proud. Not to mention stubborn. As an American woman I feel that I should question everything and do as I please.
Another issue has been the fact that learning Spanish has proved difficult for me. While I am not stupid I just cannot seem to retain that language. So I use the technology of today and text him when he is away working. I simply use Google Translation and then send. Well I have learned that you better check that translation because it doesn’t always translate the way you want. This has of late caused serious martial issues that have yet to be resolved.
Another issue has been jealousy. As a Mexican man Edgar believes that it is perfectly okay for him to flirt or look at another woman. “I am only looking. You can look too” is his response. While I feel that there is nothing wrong with looking (we all do it) I would rather he didn’t do it while I was standing there. The good news is he said I could too right? Wrong! He will flip out if he thinks I’m looking.
So as I have learned marriage is hard work. Work that you must not let fall by the wayside. I think I have taken my marriage and husband for granted lately and now must work even harder to repair the damage.
I can relate to your situation regarding cultural differences and language problem.
It is really hard to learn other language since we’re not young anymore. I hate it when I can’t pronounce it clearly and correctly.
And one thing really hard is when nobody teach you.