You read that correctly! Today is my birthday! Just how am I, you ask? Well today I am 41 years old and let me tell you it made me feel old telling you that. Just kidding! 🙂 I don’t feel as though I am 41 in fact, I feel like I am only in my twenties which may be a good thing. I don’t know yet but will let you know when I do. One thing is for sure there are times when I feel like I am 91. That’s life. For those of you are new to the blog I thought I would share my birth story with you all. It is a good one.
Technically my birthday is today because it is the day put on my birth certificate. Wait…they do that to everyone don’t they? Yes they do but today is the day we made it to the hospital when I was born and that is why the 30th is on my birth certificate. I was actually born at 11:50 pm on the 29th. Let me tell you about it (you know cause I was there and remember it!)
My mother had gone into labor early in the day with me. She took my older brother to my grandmother and then along with my father went to the hospital. Once there she was seen by an intern who told her that didn’t know what labor was. That she in fact had a kidney infection and to go home. Keep in mind she already had a child prior to me. So armed with medicine for the infection they went home.
Later that night my father said he heard a noise like a shot gun had gone off in the house. My mother sat up and guess what? Her water had broke. So he told her to go to the bathroom, clean up, and he would get dress. She sat on the toilet to do just that when I made my appearance. She kept yelling the baby is coming and my father thought she was crazy. Right up until she opened her legs and there I was. He rushed to grab me and make sure I was already and then get help.
At the time we didn’t have a phone but the EMTs happened to be across the street. So he got help but as they were loading my mother and me the ambulance driver fell off the porch and broke his leg. MY father ended up driving all of us to the hospital in the ambulance (small town and everyone knew everyone.) When the nurse finally asked what my name would be my father said all he could think was tidy bowl. Then he would laugh and say “Aren’t you glad I didn’t name you that?”
Happy Birthday! I love your blog! I check out each post I get in your emails. Here’s a song for you /
Thank you so much!
Happy Birthday!!! What a story! 🙂 Grand entrance to the world!
Thank you! I ended up being a middle child so my entrance needed to make an impression.
Happy Birthday!
Thank you!
Happy Belated Birthday Rita..was an exciting story..I was picturing your story it all in my head as I was reading it…exciting, scary and funny, thanks for putting a smile on my face, hope you have an amazing day!
Thank you Ginette! It was a really good day and I am so glad that I could put that smile on your face.
I’m coming late to the party, but I’m glad you had a good birthday. Here’s to a great year ahead, too! 🙂
Happy happy Birthday! I hope you had a great one!
Happy Birthday!!!