Journal Buddies by Jill Schoenberg is anything but a typical journal. Jill was kind enough to send me her Journal Buddies: A Girl’s Journal for Sharing and Celebrating Magnificence (there is one for boys as well) to review and let me say I’m glad she did.
As a woman I want my daughter to have a strong sense of self esteem and self worth. Having so little of things myself it’s important for me to instill them in her. With Journal Buddies I can. Jill has created “four pillars of wisdom that make Journal Buddies a powerful self esteem building experience.” ” These pillars are about developing:
-A Healthy, Strong Sense of Self
– Confidence in one’s abilities, strengths and gifts
-A Powerful, helpful support system of helpers and builders
-Awareness of beliefs”
Using Journal Buddies was easy. I simply spent a little time once a day for 30 days with Victoria going through each section. We shared and journaled things, got closer, and she managed to blossom through learning the things I love about her. We shared a beautiful experience that without the urging of Journal Buddies we would have never had.
BUY IT: You can purchase Jounal Buddies online