After giving it a lot of thought Esther goes to the king and surprisingly he is very happy to see her. As we get through Chapter 5 Esther puts her plan into action asking the king to have a feast with just her and Haman.
Haman is very excited and after the first feast, ready for the second. However as we read in Chapter 6 he is shamed when he has to honor Mordecai. The king asks “How would you honor a man?” Haman thinks the king means him and tells the king this celebrate ceremony.
Esther went to the king regardless of the rules, knowing full well that there was a chance she would be killed. She does it because in her heart she knows that she is the only one who can help save her people. She trusts that God is leading her and she is doing the right thing.
We have all had moments when we are simply suppose to trust and do the right thing. However many of us fail at that task, I know that I have many times. I don’t know if the life of an entire race of people were in my hands I could find the courage to do something. I barely have the courage to do the things I am afraid of.
I’m not sure if I could be or not.. I rarely have courage for even hard things, so I’m doubtful!
I would like to think I would have the courage, but I don’t do confrontation very well. However, in the face of such circumstances, I would lean on my faith, but fear is a heavy burden. PS: I love the new look.
It is a heavy burden and I just don’t know if I would have the courage. I am glad you like the new look. I have been unsure about it but decided to just go with it.