I know what you are thinking just by reading that title, “What the heck is a Juju band?” Don’t worry it’s not some weird ritual. Juju Band is actually a baby belly band or newborn naval protector. Now I bet you are curious huh? Juju Band has two purposes, one is to protect your newborn baby’s naval or umbilical cord stump,you know that left over part that falls off. The second purpose is to give your baby an “innie” belly button.
Julio Guerra and Julie Acevedo know the importance of the long-time tradition of baby belly binding and have created the Juju Band. The band comes with an adjustable Velcro strap that is baby approved. It is soft, safe and easy for any family to use. The piece is handcrafted and simple, perfect for the on-the-go and busy family dynamics seen today. Juju Bands also have a cotton layer that is machine washable.
Moms for centuries and in various cultures have been sing all sorts of methods to ensure their baby’s belly button is in, not out. My mom used the age old quarter trick. You know, tape a quarter to the baby’s belly button and it will go in not out. Besides the obvious sanitary reasons this should not be done (thirty-five years ago no one thought about this) is the danger it poses to the baby. The quarter could come untaped and the baby could end up swallowing it.
Enter the Juju Band! The Juju Band does have another purpose as I told you earlier. When you take your baby home they tell you make sure you keep the area around the umbilical cord stump and surrounding skin clean and dry. This basic care helps prevent infection. It may also help the umbilical cord stump to fall off and the navel to heal more quickly. So the Juju Band makes doing this much easier. You have so much to worry with when you first bring your baby home,taking care of the umbilical cord stump should be one that doesn’t worry you.
I will never forget when my brother has his daughter. One night while changing her he accidentally hit the stump and knocked it off. It didn’t hurt her but he was a wreck, thinking he had somehow damaged her belly button. He was so worried in fact that he took her to the emergency room. This is where a Juju Band would have come in handy. Many times in those first few days home a lot of people will hold your baby and you want to protect that delicate area as much as you can.
This is so cool. I will get this for my baby when I get one! My mom would put a cotton ball instead of the quarter.