Now lets get tot he second of these giveaways for this month. As you all know I love my KitchenAid mixer, and having one always reminds me of my grandmother. She is the one who introduced me to the luxury that is KitchenAid. At least, that’s what I used to think when I was younger. See, your particular grandmother was wealthy and had all sorts of things that we would not have had at our house. She is the one who made us learn to walk properly, sit properly, and learn to be ladylike. It didn’t go well, but some of the things she made us learn did.
For me, it was cooking and baking. All of her shiny gadgets left me in awe. I loved that she would cook for herself but had a maid because cleaning was beneath her. Although she grew up with both a maid and a cook, she felt it was important that we all learn to cook for our future husbands. After all, women were meant to stay home. You can see how many of her lessons just didn’t go well with us. After all, we are very modern girls. Much to our grandmother’s ire, I might add. Anyway, back to the mixer.

One thing I can say about KitchenAid is that they know what they are doing when it comes to their mixer. In fact, I have a red and pink one because I like the colors so much. Also, having two allows me to get more done when I have to do a lot of baking. Now, if only I had multiple ovens, things would be perfect. Deciding to give a couple of these away this month couldn’t have been easier on me. I knew I was going to add in a few extra giveaways since I haven’t had that many yet this year. This was an easy way to get the task accomplished.
I am giving away 2 KitchenAid 5 qt. mixers in whatever color the winners select this month. There are currently like twenty different colors to select from, and since I will be purchasing and shipping via Amazon, I decided to make this an international giveaway. As I have said, I love my mixers and I know that in years past, these have been popular with readers. So I hope that y’all enjoy these giveaways. I say this because there will be another set given away around the middle of the month.
Enter the Giveaway

I would probably make a homemade chocolate cake.
I would love to use it to make all kinds of breads. My favorite 🙂
If I win a KitchenAid mixer from your contest I will use it to make awesome desserts for my family, my daughter and I each have our own recipes, she excels at cheesecake and I’m famous for my carrot cake and lemon meringue pie. Thanks so much for the chance!
I’d like to try to make fudge with it if it’s possible, instead of hand beating for 5 minutes.
I want to learn how to make candies and great desserts! Thanks for sharing it with me and have a terrific day!
make bread
I would make cookies with the grandkids.
I would keep it and make a lot of cheesecake and baked goods. Thanks for the wonderful chance!
I would give it to my wife. She loves to bake.
I would make a carrot cake with my daughters.
If I were lucky enough to win, I would make all sorts of baked goods with my daughters! They love helping in the kitchen!
I would make a variety of cookies.
Teach my Granddaughter how to bake cookies
I would bake bread & biscuits with my Granddaughter.
I would make my banana slit desert. I have to beat the sugar & eggs for 20 minutes
First would be sugar cookies. I have always wanted on of these Kitchenaid mixers
I would make cookies with my daughters
I would make a batch of my white choc chip, cranberry oatmeal cookies!
I would make all types of cakes and cookies for my family.
I would start doing a lot more baking if I win.
I would bake cakes and cookies for my family.
I would get back into baking!
I have RA so it would make it so much easier to make hard to stir cookie doughs and knead breads!
These are so cool!
I would make cookies and cupcakes.
I would like to start making fancy cakes with my mixer.
bake lots of goodies with my granddaughter
I would test out some new recipes that I have been wanting to try. Sure would make baking a lot easier!
I would so make some homemade chocolate chip cookies with my mixer.
I would use my mixer to make cookies and cakes for family and friends!
I’d use it for all my baking
I have read so many delicious recipes others would make if they win this. When I think of winning this mixer I think of making cake decorator icing that I have burned up so many cheap mixers making.
Thank you so much for this 🙂
I would like to bake cookies
I would bake up a storm for my grandchildren and for our friends at camp.
I would make all sorts of things. I’d make a cake, first.
I would love to bake some bread or cakes. I have been experimenting with kinds of breads.
I would make some awesome cookies and desserts with my little girl.
I would bake some cakes and cupcakes!
I’d use my mixer to make keto recipes for my new diet.
I would use it to help make all my Holiday cookies!
I would use it to make cakes and cookies
I would use it to make anything and everything!
Making grams sugar cookies
I would start with making a cake with real butter frosting. Then real mashed potatoes like my grandma and mom used to make.