<p>&amp;lt;a imageanchor=”1″ target=”_blank” href=”http://www.amazon.com/Karma-Melodies-ebook/dp/B004MPRVBA?ie=UTF8&amp;amp;amp;tag=ritarevi-20&amp;amp;amp;link_code=bil&amp;amp;amp;camp=213689&amp;amp;amp;creative=392969″&amp;gt;&amp;lt;img alt=”Karma &amp;amp;amp; Melodies” src=”http://ws.amazon.com/widgets/q?MarketPlace=US&amp;amp;amp;ServiceVersion=20070822&amp;amp;amp;ID=AsinImage&amp;amp;amp;WS=1&amp;amp;amp;Format=_SL160_&amp;amp;amp;ASIN=B004MPRVBA&amp;amp;amp;tag=ritarevi-20″&amp;gt;&amp;lt;/a&amp;gt;&amp;lt;img src=”http://www.assoc-amazon.com/e/ir?t=ritarevi-20&amp;amp;amp;l=bil&amp;amp;amp;camp=213689&amp;amp;amp;creative=392969&amp;amp;amp;o=1&amp;amp;amp;a=B004MPRVBA” alt=”” style=”border:none !important; margin:0px !important; padding: 0px !important” height=”1″ width=”1″ border=”0″&amp;gt;&amp;lt;iframe src=”http://rcm.amazon.com/e/cm?t=ritarevi-20&amp;amp;amp;o=1&amp;amp;amp;p=8&amp;amp;amp;l=bpl&amp;amp;amp;asins=B004MPRVBA&amp;amp;amp;fc1=000000&amp;amp;amp;IS2=1&amp;amp;amp;lt1=_blank&amp;amp;amp;m=amazon&amp;amp;amp;lc1=0000FF&amp;amp;amp;bc1=000000&amp;amp;amp;bg1=FFFFFF&amp;amp;amp;f=ifr” style=”align:left;padding-top:5px;width:131px;height:245px;padding-right:10px;” marginwidth=”0″ marginheight=”0″ frameborder=”0″ scrolling=”no” align=”left”&amp;gt;</p>
The music scene was always Kendra’s passion; it was when she was visiting her favorite hangout that she first met her Master, the vampire that turned and now controls her. However this is the same hangout where she met Marcus, the man of her dreams, an up and coming musician.
Escaping her master, Kendra finds herself back in that place. The band has gained notoriety and packs in a crowd. Despite her blood lust, she finds herself drawn to Marcus as he sings his song of love and loss. Knowing she must leave before her need begins, she goes seeking a place to spend the night.
Crossing the road into the shadows, she is unaware of the car speeding towards her. The impact is brutal and weakens her body. Knowing she needs blood to rebuild her strength, she goes to the closest source, the driver of the vehicle. Little does she know until it is too late that the driver is Marcus. She has now become his Master.
This not only creates issues with his band mates, but her own Master has been seeking her and she is well aware that he will make an example of her rebelliousness. Every one in the band is now in danger. She has to trust them with her secret to keep them safe, and because of this, there is a lack of trust. Can she keep them from harm, as the Master tracks her and prepares to teach her a lesson? A lesson that does not allow love or friendship?
This is a wonderful love story first and foremost. I usually don’t go for vampire stories. In fact this is only the second I have ever in my life read that I truly enjoyed enough to reread it a second time. Ms. Salidas has done a wonderful job of weaving a story of struggle. Struggle with how you are, struggle with love and how to realize that despite the obstacle it is real and attainable.
Rita’s Rating:
Katie Salidas says
Rita, thank you so much for reading Karma & Melodies. I’m thrilled you enjoyed it so much. What a lovely write up you have done here too! Thank you!