Whether you are a keen gym goer, play sports or someone that just tries to keep fit more casually, it can be hard to keep up when you are injured. We all suffer from injuries from time to time, even the least active of people can sprain an ankle getting off the bus or running around with the kids. Then, it’s all too tempting to use your injury as an excuse. To take some time off, slob out on the couch and eat your bodyweight in comfort food. But, letting things go like this can quickly lead to weight gain and a loss of fitness. Stay like this for too long, and it can seem almost impossible that you will ever get back to where you were before your injury.
But, it doesn’t have to be an excuse to stop. While you may have to make some changes to your usual fitness routines and lifestyle, there’s no reason why you can’t keep fit and healthy while injured. You just need to think about it a little bit more. Here are some tips to help you.
See Your Doctor
If you’ve got a serious injury, you should have seen your doctor already, but if you want to continue to exercise even with a mild injury that you can treat at home, you should still ask your doctor for advice before you start.
Keep Comfortable
When you are injured, it’s important that you try to keep as comfortable as possible. Wrap the area of your injury to keep it well supported or held in place. You can get some great foot support here, that will keep you more comfortable on your feet no matter where your injury is, and you should make sure you have dressed appropriately for the activity.
Listen to Your Body
A return to exercise is different for everyone. But, you know your body. You know what feels right and what doesn’t. Trust your instincts and listen to your body. Don’t push yourself too hard and take a break when you need it. Remember, it’s ok to lower your expectations for a while. You’re not out there to try and set new PB’s while you are injured. You’re just trying to keep your fitness levels up as much as possible.
Keep Your Spirits Up
If you take exercise seriously or compete, it can be hard to face an injury, and you might struggle emotionally as well as physically. Just remind yourself that it’s not forever, and reward yourself for any achievements you make on the road to recovery.
Try Something New
If you usually run a lot but have an ankle injury, you are going to need some time off. Instead of using this as an excuse to do nothing, try something different. You might find that you are an excellent rower or that you love weight lifting. Even if it’s just for a few weeks, it will lift your fitness levels and your morale.
Build Up Slowly
Don’t go out on a 10k run while you are recovering. Start with a long walk, and slowly build up. Trying to do too much too soon will just cause further damage.
My husband was rear-ended on his way home from work a couple of weeks ago–car totaled. He was pretty seriously banged up but is healing. These are some great tips for helping him get back to moving again. Thank you!
Great tips – thanks so much for sharing this! It was helpful to read.
I love to run but found out recently that I have bone spurs in both feet so running is very difficult.
So easy to fall into the couch potato especially when your injured or ill. I try to get back into things fast when I am down.