I love when we get toys that excite even me. These Kids Imaginative Dinosaurs did just that and I will tell you that we probably had way more fun with them than we should have. I mean we had several Jurassic Park scenes going on in the backyard and I’m sure the neighbors thought we were crazy. The box of dinosaurs isn’t a huge box but it full of them. I will be honest and tell you we tried to name of them and ended up having to look them up.
Looking them up was easy enough because Kids Imaginative actually emailed use some flash cards and a coloring book that we could download and print. Although we didn’t use the dinosaurs for it (at least not yet) I can tell you they and the flash cards will be used in the future in science lessons.

Oh that is such a fun idea! Our little one got a kids camera for Christmas, he would have so much fun taking pictures like this with dinosaurs!
Both my kids just loved to play with little dinosaurs. Your photos with them in the grass at eye level are awesome!