My kitchen drawers are all a mess! Well they are especially the utensil drawer. It is small and I have tried to little drawer divider but it doesn’t work. I need more space because I have more utensils so I wasn’t sure what to do. I went searching around the internet and came across KMN Home. They make drawer decor that is both pretty and functional.
A couple of emails later and they sent me their DrawerDecor starter kit which I immediately put into my drawer. there are several things that I like right away. I really like that I can decide how the set up will be in the drawer. By changing a few things (that take all of two seconds) I can get a whole new look. Now the KMN Home DrawerDecor is designed for larger utensils but my spoons and forks drawer looked so bad I couldn’t help myself and put it in that drawer.
I really like the blue color as well (there are 6 color choices.) It makes the drawer pop! With larger utensils you put down the mat, put it the Divitz where you want them and put one utensil in there. When you open your drawer you have a beautiful looking drawer with everything easily accessible. What I really love is that this starter kit has some great accessories you can buy to make it even better. They have an acrylic stackable organizer that I think I am going to purchase and use in a larger drawer that is so full of stuff I can’t find anything in it.
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Enter below for your chance to win your own DrawerDecor Starter Kit! Giveaway ends July 14, 2013 at 11:59 pm EST and is open to US ONLY.
I love and need this product! When we unpacked all of our things for the first time after getting married, I found that we had tons of stuff. This would make it easy to organize all of the chaos that is our kitchen drawers and maybe have room to take the overflow out of the boxes we have still yet to unpack.
Diana C
It really is a great product
This is neat my drawers are currently a mess! I like that color too its my favorite! The divitz are great i like that you can customize the space you need to divide.
That is something I love Betty as well. When I have something that is bigger I just adjust the dividtz
I need to get my kitchen drawers organized too! They are a mess and I need to do what you do. The starter kit sounds really great! And I like the color you got which is blue. Now your drawer looks amazing!
This looks like something I should definitely get! My kitchen drawers are such a mess it takes me so much time to even look for a small spoon. It’s even in blue too, I really love pretty kitchen products because I can’t stand having my kitchen look dull!
Wow–i could really use this. Even here in my new home,the drawers already need help!
We have a drawer that is a mess. I checked out the KMN site and the DrawerDecor is really innovative and a great idea to keep utensils in place. I like the variety of colors available. I also like how the mats can be cut to fit any size drawer, and all the individual Divitz can be arranged to suit whichever utensil size you need. Pretty cool way to keep everything organized.
I really love that color blue, one of my fave colors! The material also looks so durable and easy to clean when crumbs & other tiny particles fall in the drawer. I gotta buy me one of those!
Hey now that is cool! My utensil drawer looks like it threw a temper tantrum! The dividers from the stores are NEVER big enough! Love that it can be moved around to fit different sizes! I tend to use certain utensils more during different seasons and usually reorganize ‘that drawer’ every 2-3 months so this is going on my wish list for sure! Honestly 2 of them because it would come in super handy in my Craft desk too because I have things like rulers, rotary cutters, Fabric pens, charcoal, Exact o knives etc!
I can totally relate. Our kitchen utensil drawer is quite a mess, as well. I can rarely find something I’m looking for, unless everything is dirty and the drawer is more empty than normal. The organizer looks nice, but I don’t know how effective it would be for a larger utensils, like ladles and such.
It’s good to see that I’m not alone in this battle of messy drawers, etc. It is very hard to keep up with toddlers.
There is nothing worse then when your kitchen drawer is a mess. It drives me crazy! My silverware drawer is organized but I need help with my utensils. My utensil drawer is a mess. I have got to check out their site and see if they have something to help.
I have a kitchen utility drawer that needs to be more organized, it has a little of this and a little of that, different utensils, ones I don’t use every day but still want around just in case, etc… and I think that would be the first drawer I would tackle!
This is great. Either my kitchen or my bathroom drawers. They are a mess.
My drawers are so unorganized. My husband would be so happy if they weren’t such a mess! The starter kid sounds really great!!
My drawers always get so cluttered up. I have 2 different sized silverware and they always get mixed together. This sounds like a pretty good solution! Plus it even looks pretty 🙂
All of my drawers are cluttered. When my husband does the dishes he puts stuff in the wrong place. So this will definietly help us get organized.
need it for my kitchen drawers
I would love this for my son. He will be getting his own apartment in about a month. This is just the kind of thing that he will need but never think to get! I would love one for myself too!
My daughter’s bathroom drawer would definitely need this because she is so messy. Never putting anything back so everything look bad
This product looks great! I’d love to put one in my silverware drawer in my kitchen. I have a plastic tray organizer and It just seems to collect crumbs so quickly. This looks like it would give me more space and be a little easier to keep clean. Thanks for the giveaway!!
This would be great in my kitchen! Could really use it for one of my utensil drawers!
Hahaha, omg… I feel so trashy saying this, but I could use one of those silverware holders. I just moved and mine went MIA in the process… so my silverware is in a walmart bag in the drawer XD
My silverware is in a small box right now and all mixed up. I could, certainly, use this to get it sorted out and organized and easy to find 🙂
My spatula and slotted spoons drawer. Its just a disaster.