When you review books your end up with tons of books. In my house there are books everywhere. I’m not kidding either. I ran out of bookshelf space a long time ago. I now have plastic tubs full of books. I know what you’re thinking…give some away. I do, when I can. I occasionally get rough drafts of books that cannot be given away and have some books that the author’s were kind enough to autograph for me. The classic paperback is easy to take with me anywhere, the bigger problem is ebooks.
I won’t bore you with the number of ebooks I receive a day. I also would bore you with the number of times I have to clean out my computer. Not anymore! I now simply download everything into my new Kobo eReader. I love this!!! Why, simply because I can take it anywhere with me. I also love how stylish it is. I chose Pearlized Lilac as a way to showcase my stylishness (is that even a word? It is if I manage to spell it right.)
Just check out some of the comparisons of the Kobo with others
There are many other great features. I can download and read pdfs, have the ability to get free ebooks as well as purchase more. There are so many great reasons to get a Kobo, but for the biggest was how much eaiser my life has become because of it.
{PROS} All the features!
{CONS} I wasn’t crazy about the 100 free books and deleted them however many people will love them.
{SHOP} Get your Kobo now.
I would love to get my hands on a Kobo eReader. I've had a kindle, a nook, and an iPad, and am dying to compare this one. It seems like a really nice affordable option and I have some family members I want to get one for 🙂