When you wear heels your feet pay the price. Since getting married and becoming a mom I stopped wearing heels as often because when your home all day you don’t have to wear them. now that I have my alex+von business I am getting back into the dressing more business like which means here comes the heels and the feet pains! Kushyfoot was wonderful enough to send me two of their amazing products to try out and i was more than pleased with the results.
Kushyfoot’s Flats to Go are great! They come in a little bag that fits right down inside your purse. They are small and flexible. I wear them anytime I get into the car (off those heels come) and I have even wore them as stylish slippers while in the hospital. I was sent a pair in silver to they go with anything but they come in black and gold as well. At $8.99 a pair you might as well buy all three.
These Lace Foot Covers I wasn’t sure I would. Boy was I wrong! I use them instead of stockings under my pants. I love the padded front part because I tend to get horrible blisters on the bottoms of my feet. This extra padding prevents the blisters. I have also worn them with some sandals. I have the nude color so you don’t notice them at all.They also come in white and black and cost only $10.47 a pair.
Kushyfoot has something for everyone. They carry not only women’s socks but men’s as well. Kushyfoot is made Doris International, which is one of North America’s finest hosiery manufactures.
{PROS} Something for everyone, the site is easy to navigate.
{CONS} I wore my shoes out!
{SHOP} Shop for Kushyfoot products
Just to let you know that Lace Foot Covers are sold online at $10.47 for 3 pairs – an even better deal than you thought 🙂