Synopsis: A classic love story unfolds in the best Disney tradition as a lovely young pedigreed
cocker spaniel named Lady, who lives a pampered life, finds herself falling romantically for Tramp, an amorous street-smart pooch without prospects. Although they have fun together on several dates, including a sentimental spaghetti dinner by moonlight at Tony’s restaurant, their relationship is strained not only by Lady’s loyalty to her human family and their newborn baby, but by Tramp’s devil-may-care attitude that eventually gets Lady in trouble and tossed into the dog pound. However, good-hearted Tramp redeems himself by saving the baby from potential harm and thus wins Lady’s love and the affection of her human family.
Share this timeless Disney Classic with your family as Walt Disney’s beloved classic, Lady and the Tramp, finally releases from the Disney Vault for the first time ever on Blu-ray. This heartwarming tale now charms a new generation of families and fans with its exquisite animation and unforgettable songs in one of the greatest love stories of all time. Featuring high definition sound and immersive bonus features your family can enjoy together, Lady and the Tramp Diamond Edition is a must own addition to your Disney collection.
Voice Talent: Barbara Luddy (Sleeping Beauty, 101 Dalmatians) as Lady
Larry Roberts (Theatre background with Circle Theatre in Los Angeles) as Tramp
Peggy Lee (The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, American Beauty) as Darling, Si, Am
& Peg
Bill Thompson (Peter Pan, Alice In Wonderland) as Jock, Joe, Bulldog, Dachsie & the
Bill Baucom (TV’s “The Life and Legend of Wyatt Earp,” Judge Roy Bean) as Trusty
Stan Freberg (Stuart Little, Looney Tunes: Back In Action) as Beaver
Lee Millar (TV’s “I Love Lucy,” The George and Gracie Allen Show) as Jim Dear & the
Producer: Walt Disney
Directors: Clyde Geronimi (Alice In Wonderland, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty)
Wilfred Jackson (Snow White, Pinocchio, Dumbo)
Hamilton Luske (Alice In Wonderland, Cinderella, Pinocchio)
Blu-ray Bonus: Disney Second Screen: Inside Walt’s Story Meetings*
Audio Commentary: Inside Walt’s Story Meetings
Diane Disney Miller: Remembering Dad
Three Never-Before-Seen Deleted Scenes
Never Recorded Song: “I’m Free as the Breeze”
Classic DVD Bonus:
Lady’s Pedigree: The Making of Lady and the Tramp
Finding Lady: The Art of the Storyboard
Original 1943 Storyboard Version of the Film
PuppyPedia: Going to the Dogs
“The Siamese Cat Song,” Finding a Voice for the Cats
“Bella Notte” Music Video
Excerpts from “Disneyland” TV Shows
DVD Bonus: Diane Disney Miller: Remembering Dad
PuppyPedia: Going to the Dogs
Digital Bonus: Diane Disney Miller: Remembering Dad
Three Never-Before-Seen Deleted Scenes
PuppyPedia: Going to the Dogs
Street Dates: Blu-ray, High Definition & Standard Definition Digital = February 7, 2012
(Direct Prebook: 12/13/11; Distributor Prebook: 12/27/11)
Rated: G (bonus materials not rated)
Feature Run Time: Approximately 76 minutes
Suggested Retail Prices 3-Disc Blu-ray Combo Pack (Blu-ray + DVD + Digital Copy) = $44.99 U.S./$51.99 Canada
and Product 2-Disc Blu-ray Combo Pack (Blu-ray + DVD) = $39.99 U.S./$46.99 Canada
Configurations: High Definition Digital = $39.99 U.S./$46.99 Canada
Standard Digital = $29.99 U.S./$35.99 Canada
Aspect Ratio: 2.55:1
Sound: Blu-ray Feature Film – 7.1 DTS-HD Master Audio
DVD Feature Film – 5.1 Disney Enhanced Home Theater Mix
Languages: English, French and Spanish
Subtitles: English SDH, French and Spanish
# # #
*This feature may not be available in all territories.
© 2011 Disney
Patricia says
Such a cute movie.
Tian H. says
Thank you for the great and very deatil review. Like always, you have a good point a view if you reviewed something. I’d love to rent/buy the blu-ray so I can watch this movie with my family.
Le Sondag says
You should take part in a contest for one of the best blogs on the internet. I will recommend your site!