If you are going to start digging up your property, or extending your home, there is a good chance that you will need to have a land survey carried out. These surveys are regulated; as are the surveyors who carry them out. They need to have the right qualifications in order to be registered.
There are different types of survey that may apply to your situation. The type of survey you need depends on the information you are seeking, from the definition of a property boundary to details of existing and adjoining structures. A simple google search of Topographical Surveyors Swindon will help you find the type you need.
Boundary surveys
As you might expect, this type of survey is designed to define property boundaries. The surveyor examines land records and plans, in order to determine where the boundaries of your property are located. This information is necessary if you are thinking of building on your property, as you should not build across boundary lines.
Feature and level survey
This is the most important survey to have completed, if you are thinking about starting a building project. The surveyor determines such important facts as:
- What the land contours are.
- Whether there are any existing structures in place.
- Whether there are any utility pipes or power cables on your property.
- Whether there are any drains running under your property.
- What trees and bushes are present on the land.
Once you have this information, you can determine the scope of the project, and decide which areas of land you may want to avoid. You may also want to consider vacuum excavation , which can be a help with awkward excavations.
Detail survey
If you are planning to build on your land, or to extend an existing structure, you should check if you need to have a detail survey or gpr survey sydney carried out. This type of survey is also useful if you want to have your property valued. The surveyor establishes details about your property, such as what type of soil and vegetation is present, whether there are any structures in place and what utilities are present.
Set-out survey
You should also establish whether you need a set-out survey for your project. This is the survey which actually sets out the project design on the space which is available. This means that there is no danger of building over boundary lines. If a construction project is very large, it may be necessary for more than one set-out survey to take place.
You can see that it’s possible for more than one type of survey to be necessary, for a single building project. If you are carrying out any type of construction on your property, you should speak to a professional surveyor such as Building Surveyors Cheshire to establish which surveys are necessary. Making sure that all of the necessary surveying work is carried out means that your project is more likely to run smoothly, and that the end result is more likely to turn out as you expected it to.