Lately, for whatever reason I have worked many late nights. I usually am up and about early in the morning and get things done but here in the last few weeks I have found myself wide awake at 2am. Since there is nothing else to do I have begun working. It was great at first because the house was quiet and I could get a lot done.
However now I feel tired most of the day. I am starting to pay for it and I am going to do something about it. I didn’t sleep late this morning as I have been doing and as much as I want to I have not taken a nap today. My hope is that I am tired enough when I go to bed tonight that I get myself back on track. Of course tomorrow will be another late night as I will be in town for most of the day.
That is okay, this week has been a little slow but next week with be a flurry! There are tons of posts coming and I know that there will be something for everyone. In fact over the course of the next few months the blog will be a flurry of activity. I am steadily working on several projects including the BE Society Holiday Gift Guide that I will be sharing with you all. not to mention the giveaways! We are thinking a camera giveaway at Christmas. What do you all think?
Yes, you need to get your sleep with all the giveaways and things that will be going on next week! That is so awesome about giving away a camera, I have never won one, but it is a very nice giveaway to at least try and win. I hope you go to bed early and get your sleep!
I am awake most days between 2 and 4 am. I usually wake up early and try to get a few things done. I am so happy that the blog is busy for you, that’s Great!! I would love to see another camera giveaway. Whatever you choose is great. you always have super items.
I’ve been having the same problem Rita…restless nights, not being able to fall asleep because of so much on my mind. Then when I finally get to sleep, I don’t stay sleeping for long. UGH! It’s not fun. Hoping you find some much needed rest & relaxation soon!
I am having trouble staying asleep for more than a few hours at a clip. Of course with Lupus I am tired all of the time anyway, but added with my 24 hour napping I am exhausted! A camera giveaway would be awesome. I want one in a bad way. Time to ditch the 35mm.
I would love to have an awesome camera like the ones you giveaway. It is definitely not in my budget but I could afford to win one LOL. I don’t get that much sleep either. I get up at 4 every day except the weekends I sleep in until 6 if I’m lucky.
A camera sounds great! And sympathies on the sleep cycle; I had the hardest time retraining myself after a flurry of conference calls in another time zone. It’s so hard to be exhausted, but unable to fall asleep when you need to.
Sounds like my problem when school started this week i was a walking zombie the first day because i HAD to get up early. So im trying to set limits i have to be in bed by 11. Hopefully next week I’ll manage to accomplish going to bed earlier.
I can get snagged into staying up late for one reason or another, I try not to, but can be hard! I don’t think a camera will be worth it, b/c so many ppl are happy with the cameras they have on their phones that it won’t attract too much for you. Also, ppl can be very fussy about the features of a camera, there isn’t any one camera to make most ppl happy.
I cant give alot of sleeeping advice as normally I am a nightowwl and wheen I do go to bed at a decent hour I slip back into staying up late.
A camera would be great- or whatever else you want to do!