This is part of a supported campaign with Latina Mom Bloggers and Big Brothers Big Sisters. However, all opinions expressed are my own.
Did you know that according to the Pew Research Center Hispanic kids make up 23% of the 17 & under U.S. population? That is more than 17 million children and growing. About 20% of the children served by Big Brothers Big Sisters are Latino – a number quickly increasing. Yet, only 9% of our Bigs are Latino. In addition, while more than 70% of the children ready and waiting to be matched with a mentor are boys, only 3 of 10 volunteer inquiries come from men.
Our community MUST get involved to support our children and ensure their future success, and that of the United States. More so, we need our padres, tios, hermanos and abuelos (fathers, uncles, brothers and even grandfathers) to step up and volunteer! If our men aren’t listening- we need the women in their lives to get them motivated and volunteering.
Big Brothers Big Sisters has made a big impact in communities across America for more than 100 years. The organization holds itself accountable for children matched in its mentoring programs to achieve positive outcomes. Within the organization, LatinoBigs are changing the lives of children. Compared to children not in our program, Latino Littles are LESS likely to skip school, use drugs and begin drinking alcohol. Latino Little participants are also more likely to graduate and be prepared for employment.
Please join Big Brothers Big Sisters, Latino Bigs and Latina Mom Bloggers as we focus on propelling our Latino youth to achieve their potential and discuss how YOU, and the men in your life, can become a Latino Big. Latino Bigs will be on hand to share their current stories of supporting a ‘little’. And we have some great prizes to share and get everyone motivated and listening.
If not us, who? If not now, when? Volunteer Now.
Tweet Party Details:
What: Big Brothers Big Sisters #LatinoBigs Twitter Party
When: Tuesday, October 8th, from 9 PM to 10 PM EST
Where: Twitter
Hashtag: #LatinoBigs
- Prize 1: $100 American Express gift card
- Prize 2: $100 American Express gift card
- Prize 3: $100 American Express gift card
Who to Follow:
Panelists: Latina Mom Blogger BB BS 2013 Ambassadors
@nincasay, @teachme2save, @comprasyhogar, @ritareviews, @socialsavvymom,
@daniellylara, @braziliamoda, @daytrippingmom, @paulabendfeldt, @Latinblah
Moderators: @LatinoMarketing @JollyMom @LatinaMomBlogs
Organization: @LatinoBigs
Rules: For the official rules, please click HERE.
RSVP: To be eligible to win prizes, you must RSVP at Latina Mom Bloggers and follow
@LatinoBigs. Click HERE to RSVP.
This is part of a supported campaign with Latina Mom Bloggers and Big Brothers Big Sisters. However, all opinions expressed are my own.
Big Brothers Big Sisters is such a great program. I admire those who step in and help kids who need a mentor.
I think Big Brothers Big Sisters is such a great organization. We have donated to them in the past because we believe in them so much. I think it takes a great person to step up and volunteer to mentor a child.