We all know the story of Moses and the exodus. There is a lot that we can take away from that story. Most people if course take away the Ten Commandments because after all that is one of the most important parts of the story. After all leading people out of bondage and into the promised land is what Moses was born to do.
However if you go back to when Moses is building the city, back to before he was exiled you learn a lot about him. He was different than Ramses and it showed. Even though they had been raised in the same household and essentially by the same people. Moses had compassion for the slaves before he knew he was one.
He broke into the grain stores to feed them and gave them days off to rest. He felt for them and didn’t even know why. He gave the slaves hope even when he was a Prince of Egypt. What we can take away and learn? It is simply to be who we are without questioning it. Moses never apologized for who he was even when he found out he was a slave.
He followed his heart and because of that strength he was chosen by God. God knew that Moses had a strength within him stronger than any other man. That he could bear the weight of what was to come. My one prayer is that God believes half as much in me.
I love the story of Moses..my favourite movie of all time is the Ten Commandments, I watch it every year at Easter, I never tire of it.
Me either! I was actually watching it when this post was inspired.
Great post! I think your right that all we think about is the Ten Commandments. I love how well you explained how Moses just followed his heart. He was who he was through and through. I think this is a great lesson for all of us to be true to ourselves. I can’t wait to share this post with my kids. Great lesson!
Thank you Tammy! As I was watching the movie I just kept thinking about how Moses was just himself. Regardless of what nation he belonged to.
Honestly Rita, I hear the gospel and glaze over, have such trouble focusing lately. I need to start reading my bible again. Of course being raised Catholic and never missing a Sunday or Catechism classes from tiny on, the Ten Commandments are ingrained in my brain and soul. But I have a lot to learn, or should I say relearn. I know how it feels to just BE who and what you are and have to trust in someone bigger than me…to have faith that only He knows what is good for me.
Like you they are ingrained within me as well. It always amazes me when someone trusts and has the faith that you do. You inspire me with your faith.
Moses is such a picture of the perfect way God can work in someone’s life. What seems not so perfect at the time will turn out in just the right way.
I could not agree with you more.
I like your analysis. I never thought of the story of Moses in this way. Very thought provoking – thanks!
Thank you! It just came to me.