One of the things on my January Checklist was to start a new hobby and let me tell you I am so glad that I did. My granny tried to teach me to sew years ago and I did okay but I never really learned. It wasn’t a big deal but I am short and all of my pants have to be hemmed. This year I am determined to learn to at the least hem my own pants.

You can find all of the items in my Sewing List on Amazon.
All of my fabric and Thread on Amazon.
I didn’t want to buy a bunch of stuff that I was never going to use but I knew I needed to learn something. So I got myself a little sewing machine from Amazon along with a few other things to get started. I found a project I wanted to start with which happened to be placemat. I thought that would be the easiest for someone who didn’t have much knowledge. Let me tell you that is not that much easier. I still had so much trouble. I think I need to watch a full class or something.

That being said I did complete my placemat. It doesn’t look the best because I messed up. I forgot to leave an open space so I could turn it inside out and do my edges. I just got ahead of myself but I am going to learn and practice more. I hope to be able to come back at the end of the year and show y’all a better placemat.
If I hadn’t decided to play with he fancy stitches it probably would have looked better. However, I thought it didn’t matter because I was going to use it on the little table in my room for whenever I am eating there. Ma had other plans though. She took it and it is now in the living room. I love my mother! One of her kids makes the ugliest thing known to man and she will put it right out there for the world to see. To her this might as well be the Mona Lisa.
Like I said I am going to keep working at it and get some more of the same fabric so I can do a better one and share that with y’all. I just have to find the time.
Are you starting a new hobby this year? What sort of hobbies or skills to already have? Any sewing tips for me to help make me better at it? Share those with us below.
I did some sewing when I was way younger it was fun. I would love to have a new sewing machine. I think you did pretty good on your placemat.
Thank you so much.
That machine is so cute! My friend taught me how to do quilting last year and I just took up some hand sewing. It’s fun!
My hand sewing is horrible. I love the small size of the machine. Since I have to move it to the table when I want to use it I need one that was lightweight.
My great grandmother taught me how to hand sew and embroider, but for the life of me I can’t figure out a sewing machine! I got so frustrated I got rid of mine, but some day I want to try again. To me, it isn’t as easy as it looks and I had difficulty with the pedals and threading the needle. My mom took a sewing class through our library and it really helped her. Maybe try you local library and see if they have classes.
I will certainly see if they have a class. It took me a bit to figure out the threading the needle. Also the bobbin was a nightmare! I learned to crochet years ago but because of my osteoarthritis I can no longer make it work with my hands. That is something I am hoping to figure out again with my issues.
I used to love sewing when I was much younger, but I started focusing more on painting and sculpting. It would be really fun to try sewing again!
I love to paint! By that I mean paint by numbers but I did do one of those wine and paint things once and lets just say I gave my Christmas tree painting to my mother because your mother loves anything regardless of horrible it is.
I did a lot of sewing in my younger days but I don’t sew anymore. When my daughter was little I sewed clothes for her dolls. They looked great even if I say so myself. lol
I bet they were wonderful. I told Ma that I think that is what I need to do to practice, make Doll clothes. I think since they are small it will be easier.
I got a sewing machine April 2024 for a birthday gift. Then we left to RV to Alaska. It is somewhere in the house….
I bet you are having the time of your life in that RV though!
Sewing is a great hobby. I love doing “paint by numbers”!:)
Me too! Paint by numbers are my jam!
My Grandmother was a knitter. She tried to teach me but I was never that good. Other than reading (which is my favorite hobby) I’m trying coloring books & diamond painting this year. 🙂
I am terrible at sewing myself! It is something I actually also would love to learn – if only to hem my own pants and mend clothing!
Keep us posted on how your progress goes!
How fun! I wish I could sew
The local library has classes monthly, though I wish they were at a better time of day…
I love to sew! I taught it to high schoolers.
I would love to start sewing again. Not that I was good at it but I made my Barbie clothes when I was younger. I think I’m afraid to mess it up.