If you follow me at Rita Reviews then you know that my hard drive crashed this week. It was really hard for me to accept because I actually lost a lot of work that was stored on there including about 6 months worth of articles that I had already written for my blogs. I cried like a baby because I couldn’t believe first that I was so stupid to keep those articles on there and not put them on a flash drive.
Secondly because I could not believe the week I was having. Nothing seemed to be going right then I got on the phone with HP who told me they were sending out a technician this week to fox my computer which is great but I still had a few days of work that needed to get done. So I headed to Walmart and found a laptop that would work for me for under $300. I did learn a few lessons though and I am now thankful for them.
Firstly never keep the important stuff on your hard drive, put everything on flash drives, have forty back ups and then you won’t have to have a melt down when something like this happens. Secondly I was forced to take a day and reflect on what was important and what was not. I lost my Editorial calendar and had to begin to put it back together as well as those articles. So I had the chance reevaluate what was important and what was not. I realized that as horrible as all of this was I was okay letting it go. I knew there were things I had to get done but most of it could be rewritten and it truly wasn’t the end of the world that it felt like.
No matter how many times we think or read about computers crashing we never learn till it happens to us, glad that HP is helping you out..now I need to take measures if ever my computer crashes.
I have been there. I didn’t loose anything as important as you. Your computer is the key to your business! I did loose a bunch of information and pictures. Luckily we had all our computers set to backup once a week. After that we made sure every computer in the house was setup to back up. I was like you though and thought it was the end of the world. Once you get a chance to take a deep breath, you realize it’s just a bump in the road.
I have had this happen to me a few months ago. I lost a lot also, and I didn’t back up anything. It can be so overwhelming and hard to even want to start putting things back to together and redoing it. But you really don’t have a choice, I guess its more of the time it takes to do somethings that makes it feel so ugh.
i learned this lesson as well a couple of times and now either back up to an external drive or to the cloud. i am glad that you learned this the first time and had time to evaluate what was important to you.
Thankfully I had a back up the only time I had a hard drive crash on me. I back up to a external USB drive.
omigosh….so sorry that happened…and thank you for the reminder to always back up work (so many of us do NOT do it as much as we should!
I’ve had this happen to me. It absolutely is the worst. This is y I have an external hard drive- but also another extra harddrive as its backup too! Double safe!
I’m so sorry for your lost work (and super impressed by how far in advance you work – kudos!) This is a really good reminder for me. I need to get a solid state storage device or some other means for backing up our computer.
Usually the only blog that I am not several months in advance on is Rita Reviews and of course I change things here as things happen. I just bought a new external hard drive and everything is being backed up regularly now.
My computer is dead and cant get battery to work. I am so afraid ALL my kids pics are on there for the last 3 years. I am so computer illiterate…am gonna be sad if I have lost it. The computer will NOT turn on even with cord trying to charge. No other cord will work. I dont have business stuff on like you…that would be scary but have personal writings and pics…they mean a lot to me. I guess a new external hard drive will be the best thing to do. Hope all of your work is patched up by now. Sorry, just not getting online much to follow my friends anymore:(