July is over and I will admit to being a little sad. It means we are that much closer to the end of the year. When I was young I couldn’t wait for the year to be over and have Christmas. Now, as an adult I find myself wishing time would slow down a bit.
One thing I have noticed is that while I want to take more pictures and share my life I just don’t always have some that are interesting. Not to mention I don’t always remember to take a picture. I’m not sure if that makes me lazy or just very “in” the moment. However there were a few this month that I thought I would share.
Mexican Monday

On Monday in the small town we live in there are a total of 3 restaurants open. You read that correctly. I should say there are most likely more inside Callaway Gardens but I’m not paying to go inside there just to eat. So, we have just a few options and for the past two Mondays we have been getting Mexican food. I love the taco salad with chips and cheese dip. The cheese dip is so good! Y’all know what I am talking about.
I Don’t Think I Can Write That

I sent this to my brother and said can I say dang in my bible? Like is that a bad word? “It most likely is”, was his response but when I was reading this all I could think of was my grandmother’s dang elephant. I’m not perfect and well God knows what was in my heart at the moment. I’m not making an excuse because I genuinely wasn’t thinking of it as a curse word at the time.
Never Had That Before

A friend brought me this salad and I will say it was good. I felt that it needed a few more cranberries though as there were less than a handful. There were plenty of pumpkin seeds. Also the poppy seed dressing was really good. I had never had it before and this was more like a coleslaw than a salad to me. I bet it would be great with grilled burgers.
I have been watching The Brokenwood Mysteries on Acorn TV via Prime. There are 10 seasons and I have found that I enjoy them. If you haven’t watched it yet I suggest you give it a go. Gina, the Medical Examiner, is one of my favorite characters.
Things for the most part this month has been quiet. As I told you back on the 12th my uncle had one heart surgery and has two more still to come. He is doing well though. Ma has been a bit moody lately and I am not sure if it is simply her getting older or something else. So I will keep an eye on that.
Other than that we have been getting through the daily rain and getting through each day. There really hasn’t been anything big going on with us. I guess that is how it is with most people. As we have gotten older I found that we do less but it’s not always a bad thing. Sometimes doing less is good.
A Little Blog News
If you follow me over on Storied Conversation, The Monthly Chapter Giveaway will be posted on the 1st over there. I am also hoping to make some changes over there and once they are done have a big giveaway. Possibly before the end of August so stay tuned there.
Enter the Giveaway
Enter below for your chance to win $200 PayPal Cash Giveaway ends August 30, 2024 at 11:59 pm est and is open Worldwide.
I had a pretty good month. Spent time with family and friends.
That sweet kale salad is one of my favorites! 🙂 July flew by – but it was a great month! I did a lot, camping, out to see family, beach days. It’s gone quickly!
I was chosen to be on a game show but I chickened out and didn’t go through with it. Once I received the contracts about giving up my likeness “in perpetuity”, I panicked. I became fearful of embarrassing myself on TV and becoming a meme or something. My daughters were so disappointed.
It has been one hot month here. We have had several wildfires in our area this month so it has been super stressful. I am so looking forward to the fall season I miss the rain so much.
Hot. It’s been over 120 degrees way too many days. But I did have two of my best friends have a birthday and that was fun. Enjoying baseball and air conditioning!
This has been a really hot and busy month.
July is always super busy with family birthdays, and the explosive fireworks in the neighborhood (still!!!) have added to my stress.
Very tough month – healing from major surgery and got a pretty awful medical diagnosis I’m still trying to process.
Good days and bad days. The pain from my RA can be terrible.
I had a good month. We celebrated birthdays and enjoyed family BBQ’s.
July was a great month as we spent it in ALaska! We drove all over and saw some amazing things! We saw Eagles, sea otters, sea lions, bears, moose, caribou but sadly no mountain goats. It was a lot of driving in the RV but thankfully my mom, hubby, and I all get alone famously! lol
Not much news for me. I was lucky that I didn’t have to pay back taxes.